Shameless (Enemies to Lovers 5) - Page 65

Chapter 28


“You rang, oh hunky one of mine?” Miss Sebastian says as she walks into my office.

My head snaps up from where I was focusing on a spreadsheet.

“I messaged you a minute ago,” I say. “How did you get here so fast?”

“As always, my timing is perfect… aaaand I had lunch with the girls, and we decided to bring over some food for our men.”

“Where’s mine?” Hearing the word food, my eyes dart to her hands.

Miss Sebastian rolls her eyes as she places a paper bag on my desk.

“You’d swear I never feed you,” she mumbles while making herself comfortable in a chair across from me.

Usually, I’d be tearing at the bag to get to the food, but not today.

Miss Sebastian notices the serious look on my face, which makes her manicured eyebrows dart into her hairline.

“Hold that thought,” she says. She gets up, closes the door and locks it. Her ass hardly touches the chair before she shoots up again, reaches over my desk, and unplugs the phone. Then she proceeds to switch off my cell and her own before she finally slumps back in the chair.

“Now we won’t be disturbed. What’s wrong?”

I’ve never seen her so serious before. It’s actually a little scary.

“Uhm… well… you see – ”

Her eyebrows draw together as she leans across the desk, placing her hand on mine.

“You’re a hot mess, my babykins! Who do I need to kill? Just give me the name, and I’ll take care of them. No one will be able to trace it back to you by the time I’m done.”

I start to laugh, but at the same time, my heart overflows with love for this woman. Since I’ve met her, she’s shot up the ranks to the number one spot in my heart.

“You don’t have to kill anyone,” I say, giving her a grateful smile. “I need… ahh…” I pinch my eyes closed, hoping I won’t regret this. “I need your help with a woman.”


Fuck, my ears are going to bleed.


Oh shit.


Here we go. I sit back as Miss Sebastian fires the questions at me one after the other.

“Who is she?”

“Do I know her?”

“What’s her name?”

Her words run together as she’s overtaken with excitement, and I’m already regretting asking her.

Silence fills the office as she sits and bounces on her chair, with a smile so broad I swear if she didn’t have ears it would wrap right around her head.

Tags: Michelle Heard, Michelle Horst Enemies to Lovers Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024