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Shameless (Enemies to Lovers 5)

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Chapter 32


It’s Miss Sebastian’s birthday, and I think she invited half the world.

I’m excited to see Mia and Danny, and the others of course. Mostly, I’m looking forward to spending time with Evie. This will be the first time we’ll all be together, and that’s pretty special in my books.

I knock on Evie’s door, and anticipation rushes through me just at the thought of seeing her. We’ve only had a few coffee dates, getting to know each other.

I still can’t believe my girl is into extreme sports. I’ve agreed to go bungee jumping with her soon. I’ll probably shit myself, but for Evie, I’d jump off a bridge.

The door opens, and I’m once again struck by how happy she looks. My heart starts to beat faster when her smile doesn’t falter.

“You’re here,” she says. In a flurry of movement she crashes into my chest, and as her arms circle my waist, it feels as if my soul is taking a deep breath for the first time ever.

I wrap my arms around her before she has a chance to let go, and pressing my face into her hair, I fill my lungs with Evie’s sweet scent.

“To what do I owe the hug?” I ask.

She grins up at me, and all I want to do is claim her mouth, carry her back into the apartment and sink balls deep into her. I’ve never needed to be inside of a woman so much.

“I’m just happy to see you,” she says, and before I can act on my desire, she rips free from me and barrels back into the apartment to grab her bag and a tray.

I glance down at the tray, and ask, “You made Miss Sebastian unicorn cookies?”

“Yeah, Willow told me Miss Sebastian loves anything bedazzled.”

Each one is decorated with a different color of glitter.

“She’s going to love it,” I say as I pull her front door closed behind her. I lock it and shove the keys in my pocket. When she doesn’t say anything about me keeping her keys, a slow smile spreads across my face.

“I’m so excited to see everyone,” Evie says, almost bouncing next to me as we walk to my car.

“They can’t wait either,” I whisper as I open the passenger door for her.

On the drive over to Miss Sebastian’s place, I try to prepare Evie for what to expect.

“Miss Sebastian hugs a lot, and she will probably say something to embarrass me. No, she’ll definitely say something inappropriate. Just remember it’s all coming from a good place.”

A mischievous smile curves around Evie’s lips. “Now I really can’t wait to meet her.”

As we pull up to the house, I notice that almost everyone is here already. It looks like only Marcus and Willow still need to arrive.

I get out and jog around the car. Opening Evie’s door, I take the tray from her so she can climb out. She straightens her black shirt which has the words ‘You are bedazzlelicious’ printed over the front in purple glitter.

“Miss Sebastian is going to love your shirt,” I say. I don’t add that I really love the way they show the curves of her tits.

“Willow made it,” Evie says as she takes the tray back from me.

Before we even get close to the front door, it swings open, and Miss Sebastian comes rushing out.


“You’re here.”

I grab the tray from Evie seconds before Miss Sebastian slams into her.


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