Harem (Alien Authority 2) - Page 20

I feel powerful. I feel as though I am slipping away from my previous sense of self and being and embracing this greatness that is shared with all things female. The more I become that, the more he surges and strokes and pleasures me. I am still beneath him, unable to touch him except with my pussy, and he only has access to the rear of me. It’s not an intimate position. It’s one in which two animals rut and breed.

He fucks me with dominant thrusts, making the bedding plump around me as I am pressed into the mattress and blankets. It is up to me to arch my hips and to hold myself in position for him, to aid him in this rough ravaging.

“I am going to fill you,” he declares. “I am going to make your womb swim with my seed, and I am going to spark life that makes you swell.”

Every word he says makes me clench and squirm around his agile cock. It is all about animal instinct now, the need to claim that seed and let it do its work inside me. We both know what we are doing. I can hear the wet sound of my cunt being roughly fucked. He is not showing me mercy. He is giving me exactly what I need and what I crave, though it will leave me sore and aching and burgeoning with life unknown.

He does just as he says he will. He arches and fills me, and I feel his seed filling me all the way up and spilling over the verges of my pussy, making a mess of me and giving me a mass of genetic potential. This is madness. This is wrong. This is hot. I can feel my pussy squirming and clenching, drawing that seed as deep as it can. My body knows how to be fucked.

I lie there in the aftermath of our lovemaking, knowing Sithren’s coded seed is deep inside me. Will it make a connection? Has something sparked? A new being, separate from us both, but inextricably connected? I find my thoughts awash with perverse hope. I am still planning to escape him. I do not know if I will return to Authority space, or if my journey will take me deeper and further beyond the bounds of known territories. I have abandoned a principle I lived by and I have been betrayed by the Authority. Some part of it has turned against me, and no part of it has come to save me. If I mattered, there would be a fleet of warships on Sithren’s doorstep this very moment, soldiers flooding the streets of the Dinavri homeworld. But I am what I have always been, an acceptable loss.

Sithren has managed to drive his desired wedge between the Authority and me, but he has not brought me to his side. He has cut me adrift, removed all the moorings that used to keep me in safe harbor. Now with a belly full of seed and a mind unchained from obligation, the entirety of the universe seems to me to be a possibility.



I open my eyes to a soft whispering sound near my face. Sithren wouldn’t wake me that quietly. Whoever this is has tried to sneak into my chamber and is doing everything they can to avoid being caught.

It’s Tethys. She’s appeared again, almost certainly without the knowledge of her father, and with a wicked look in her eyes. This girl has an agenda, and I have no idea what it is.

“You want to get out?”


"You want to run away. You got in trouble for trying to run away. I heard my father telling the guards to be on the lookout for you. He has said the same thing to them about me.” She pauses for a moment, looking at me to see if I am sympathetic. She wants to make an ally. I am wondering where her mom is.

“If I help you escape, I need you to take me with you,” she says. “Take me to the human world. Or any world. Just take me off this planet.”


“Because I want to find my mother. She’s gone somewhere. I need to find her. I’ve looked everywhere in the city, but they just keep telling me lies. If you helped me escape, I might be able to find where she went.”

This girl is young and determined, and there is something about the desperation of her demeanor and the brightness of her eyes that makes alarm bells ring inside my own mind.

“I can’t do that,” I say as gently as possible.

“Then I’ll run away on my own. And you will be stuck here forever. He never lets a woman go once he decides he wants to keep her. Never. Ever.”

“How would we escape?”

“I know a way out through the harem,” she says. “Nobody knows about it except me and my mom.”

Tags: Loki Renard Alien Authority Fantasy
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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