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Love or Lust (LOL): Part 1

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Which he is, but I didn’t admit that to her.

Then again, a few of the other guys could be my type as well. Lennon is slightly taller than Jace, clean cut, short sandy-brown hair, dazzling golden eyes, and a body that begs to be naked. Without his shirt on right now, every muscle is on display, and I don’t mind in the slightest.

He was the one wearing the tie that matched my eyes last night.

He’s over by the bar, talking to Jace and Drake, who isn’t quite as tall as them, but what he lacks in height, he makes up for in muscle. He has broad shoulders and looks like he could bench press Courtney and me at the same time. Not that that’s saying much. I weigh one-thirty, and Courtney might be one-ten. Still, with his bald head, multitude of tattoos running down his chest and arms, and dark-brown eyes, he’s intriguing.

“Earth to Presley,” Courtney coos, following my line of sight. “See something you like?”

“How could I not? They’re like God’s,” I reply honestly as I take in the sight of the three of them. Shirtless. Perfect bodies. Shorts hanging loosely on their hips.

“Right. If nothing else, we have a great view.”

Jace picks that moment to look over Drake’s shoulder in our direction. When our eyes meet, I know I’ve been busted staring, yet I can’t look away. That only makes the smile on his face grow. From the way his smoldering look is devouring me right now, I think he likes what he sees as well.

What did Ed say last night? Don’t be afraid to experience a little lust while we’re here. It is the name of the game after all.


It shouldn’t feel so unnatural, yet as Courtney and I walk toward the long table set up between the outdoor kitchen and the enclosed pool area, this feels anything but normal. There are cameras everywhere. Some pointed in our direction, others at the rest of the contestants as they take their assigned seats.

Yes, assigned.

As in, I have to sit where they want me to, and that means I can’t chat with Courtney the entire time because she’s at the other end of the table. I’m seated with my back to the pool, at the end closest to the house. She’s on the opposite side of the table, facing the pool. Across from me is Jace, on my right, Gage. Teegan is sitting next to Jace, Milo to her left. Kyra is the only one I don’t see, her seat between Gage and Lennon empty.

“Okay,” Ed begins, capturing everyone’s attention when he appears out of nowhere. “This week is all about getting to know each other, to see if you have anything in common. We’ve strategically paired you up tonight, and it’ll be like that the rest of the week. Talk, ask each other questions. Don’t be afraid to open up a little. You have one week to decide who you want to continue seeing. Remember, on Sunday, two people will be going home. If you don’t want that to be you, find a way to connect with the people around you.”

He makes it sound so easy, to tell complete strangers about my life. To open my heart and let someone in. The last time that happened, it got broken. It still hasn’t healed. I’m not sure I’m ready to take that risk again.

In my mind, love is off the table. It’s not worth it. The risk is higher than the reward.

Lust on the other hand... I think I can get on board with that. Maybe. Depends on who’s offering.

Jace? Yeah, I’d jump on that train. No questions asked.

Lennon? He seems like more of a relationship kind of guy from what I can tell so far.

Drake? He’d give me a ride and then drop me off promptly and never call.

The rest of the guys—Gage, Milo, Callen—they all seem nice but aren’t really my type. Maybe I’m not giving them a chance. Maybe I’m reading them all wrong. Only time will tell, and right now, I have a week to figure out who and what I want from this stupid game I signed up to play.

More like... got tricked into signing up for. Thank you very much, Naomi.

“Where’s Kyra?” Ed asks as he’s about to walk away.

The table falls silent, the only sound the clatter of dishes coming from the kitchen.

It was made crystal clear last night that these “events” were not optional. Everything on our schedule is mandatory, and if we choose not to attend, we are in breach of our contract and will be sent home.

“I think she said she wasn’t feeling well,” I say, quickly pushing away from the table. I’m not going to let her get sent home on the second day. “I’ll go check on her.”

I have a feeling that’s what she wants. To forfeit. It’s her way out of here. Her escape. I still don’t understand why she would even sign up for this to begin with if she didn’t come to play the game, but I was damn sure going to find out.

Knocking on her door, I’m surprised she answers as quickly as she does.

“Hi,” is all she says as she shields her body with the door.

“You’re late. They were asking about you.”

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