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Love or Lust (LOL): Part 2

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“Think of it as something to remember me by.”

There’s no denying the disappointment in his voice.

“Lennon, I—”

“You don’t have to say anything, Presley. You don’t have to explain yourself. Today you want to be with him. Tomorrow you might change your mind, though I doubt it. That doesn’t mean I’m going to stop trying.”

There are a million things I want to say to him right now, but my words feel jumbled and there’s a giant egg lodged in my throat. Instead, I accept his statements, and we continue to walk. The cheers from the stadium are hard to hear by the time Lennon stops in front of a bistro and asks my opinion.

I nod, still unsure of my words.

It’s not until the waitress walks away after pouring us each a glass of water that I find the nerve to speak up.

“I’m sorry. I know you don’t want to hear that, but I am. Because you’re an amazing guy, and I know you could make me happy. You do make me happy. I love spending time with you. You find a way to make me smile every day. Treat me like a princess.”

“Then why? Why him? Why not me?”

“I don’t know,” I answer honestly as the waitress returns to take our order.

Taking a sip of water, I clear my throat and wait for Lennon to say something, anything. The air between us is thick, unsettling. I don’t want to lose him as a friend.

“I meant what I said, Presley. I’m not giving up. There are still three weeks left. That’s plenty of time for you to change your mind.”

“And if I don’t? Then what? I don’t want you to hate me.”

“I could never hate you. Probably because I’m pretty sure I fell in love with you the second I laid eyes on you. You’re everything I’ve been looking for in a companion and so much more. You’re sweet, caring, considerate, and sexy as hell. You have a great sense of humor and constantly keep me on my toes. Like right now.

“This is my moment. My turning point. I haven’t put in enough effort yet. Consider it a wakeup call. Because I will try harder. I’ll do whatever it takes to win your heart in the end. The game is called love or lust, and I’m here for one thing and only one thing. You. There is nothing else that matters to me.”


If I can change my mind, so can he. I mean, he said it himself. There are three weeks left. We’re only halfway through and that’s if we both make it to the end.

Lennon finds a way to change the subject, and we fall into casual conversation again. As if nothing just happened. As if our relationship didn’t just fracture.

Right now there is no Jace. No competition. No reality show.

There sure as hell aren’t any cameras watching us.

Not that I notice them anymore unless they’re literally in my face.

The date ends almost the same way it began. On my doorstep. Lennon with a devious smile on his face. Me nervous about what happens next.

“I’m going to kiss you, Presley. I thought I should warn you since the last time you saw me kiss someone, you panicked,” he jokes, stepping forward, placing his hands on my hips.

“Not funny. I can’t help I was caught off guard.”

Reaching behind me, I fumble with the door knob, before finally pushing open the door. Stepping backwards into my villa, I never take my eyes off Lennon’s.

“Yeah, well, so was I,” he replies, leaning in. “Not this time, though. This time I’m prepared. I’m ready. Are you?”

He doesn’t give me time to protest before his lips capture mine in an all-consuming kiss. His hands holding me captive against his body as my back hits the wall. His lips are relentless as they draw out a single moan from deep within my soul.

When he finally pulls away, I understand the devious smirk he was sporting. He knew what he was doing with that kiss. Confirmation that he wasn’t giving up. That he wasn’t going to stop kissing me even though I chose the other guy.

Or was he just playing the game?

Keeping me close to get to the end?

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