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Love or Lust (LOL): Part 3

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It all scares the hell out of me, but I know it’s something I want. Mainly because I want him. To be with him. To show him how much I love him. Without the cameras watching and the drama of competing with other women.

“I won’t miss you because I’ll see you.”

His eyes widen in surprise at my simple statement. You would have thought I just dropped a bomb on him. Broke up with him. Told him I don’t love him. The look of shock on his face is both adorable and concerning.

Did he change his mind? Did I miss something?

“When you say you’ll see me, what do you mean by that? Like, every now and again or all the time?”

Pressing my lips together to keep from smiling, I count to ten before I confirm his suspicions. “That depends how much we work, I guess. I mean, if you’re planning on bartending every night, I won’t see you very often. I want a day job. Something where I get home at a decent time.”

“And by home you mean...”

“You know. The place I sleep. Where I shower. Eat most of my meals. Lie on the couch and read on occasion,” I continue, teasing him by not directly answering his question.

“And this place you’ll be sleeping,” he starts, spinning me out of his arms and back in, pressing my back to his chest so I can’t see his face. I close my eyes and enjoy the feel of his arms wrapped tightly around me. “Is there anyone else sleeping there?”

“Maybe. I guess if it works out, I could probably make time to date. Find a nice guy who wouldn’t mind me snoring against his chest at night. Someone to wash my back.”

“And every other part of you,” he mumbles against my hair.

“That too.”

“Where do you plan on calling home, Presley?” His voice has taken on a serious tone, his arms have tightened around me, but he’s still swaying us back and forth. I can feel the tension radiating off him in waves as he waits for my answer.

“I was thinking somewhere warm. Where I can drive to the beach if I want. Maybe learn to surf.”

His arms relax their grip as he releases a deep breath.


“I’ve heard it’s nice out there, but I’m more of an east coast kind of girl. Always have been.”

“Ah, so the Carolinas?” Jace’s playful tone makes me smile a little bigger as I open my eyes and find we have an audience.

Three cameramen, Claudia, and Ed, along with the four other remaining contestants.

“I was thinking—”

“Jace,” Ed’s deep voice cuts in. “We need to have a word with you.”

Jace stops swaying, his grip on me tightening as my smile fades. When I look past Ed, I notice Teegan and Bella staring straight at us. Bella’s eyes are wide in shock while Teegan’s grinning at us in victory.

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