Love or Lust (LOL): Part 3 - Page 28

“Oh, yeah. It’s... well. I don’t know.”

“It’s something,” I state. “Hold on to that feeling. If it’s more than just a little crush, you’ll know soon enough.”

Ed welcomes back the audience, and I force myself to smile again. He drones on about how the last week of the competition will work. I should be paying attention, but instead, I zone out, staring directly into the camera. I can read about it in the packet they’ll drop off if I make it past this round.

“You may be wondering why we only have two guys standing up here tonight. Jace was eliminated last night, which means Lennon and Milo will be moving on to the final round. Congratulations, gentlemen. I wish we didn’t have to say goodbye to one of these lovely ladies tonight, but only two can move on. Can you, ladies, please step forward.”

We all take two steps and stand on our marks. Bella is in the middle with Teegan on her right and me on her left. We’re all handed an envelope and I tremble as I slide my finger under the seal.

Do I want to be eliminated? Or do I want to stay? It’s not my decision, but I’d like to at least be okay with whichever way it goes.

The seal finally pops free as Bella starts bouncing up and down with excitement. I look over to find her with a golden ticket waving above her head and a huge smile on her face.

Good. She deserves it.

Teegan’s staring past Bella at me, her envelope still sealed. I nod at her, and she slides her finger under the seal, releasing it. Folding back the flap of mine, I spy the golden ticket immediately but don’t pull it out. Instead, I look over to find Teegan with tears in her eyes.

“I’m sorry, Teegan, but you have been voted off tonight,” Ed says as Claudia waves Teegan over, ushering her off the set. As soon as she’s clear of the cameras, Ed continues as if no one’s feelings have just been crushed. “Well, you have your final four. Lennon, Milo, Bella, and Presley... Congratulations on making it to the final week of the competition. Good luck this week. Stay tuned for our finale next week where we’ll find out if our contestants have found love or if it was only lust. Good night!”

Tags: Rachael Brownell Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025