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Love or Lust (LOL): Part 3

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ME: Whatever you see or hear, don’t put too much stock in it. I’ll explain why later. Just remember I love you and only you.

Changing into a skimpy black dress, I’m about to step into my heels when there’s a knock at my door. Looking at the clock, I notice Lennon is a few minutes early. I’m still mentally preparing but force a sinister grin on my face as I open the door.

Only it’s not Lennon.

It’s Courtney.

“Long time no see,” she coos, pushing past me and into my villa, inviting herself in.

“Not long enough. What do you want? Shouldn’t you be shacking up with the rest of the contestants that have been voted off?”

We decided we would play stupid to Courtney’s part in all of this. I didn’t see her face, only recognized her voice. Her showing up here is confirmation, not that I needed it.

“I think you know why I’m here. Who did you tell?”

“Tell what?” I ask, tilting my head for dramatic effect.

“Don’t play dumb, Presley. It’s not an attractive quality.”

“Neither is acting like a bitch, but you make it look so easy it’s hard to tell if it’s real or fake. Kind of like your tits.”

The petty remark slips past my lips before I can stop myself.

She moves so quickly I barely have time to take a step back as she thrusts her face in mine. “Keep your trap shut, Presley, or losing this game won’t be the only consequence of your actions.”

She slams the door shut on her way out before I can reply. There has to be a bigger reason she wants to keep her involvement quiet, and I can’t wait to find out what it is.

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