Lara (Reynolds Ranch) - Page 15

Chapter Six


The elevator doors open and I use my code, key, and fingerprint on the security system that has been fitted for just myself and Danny, who is the only other person I trust to come up to my place. Although, I’ll have to get her fingerprint added to the system as well.

“Is this the secret way you sneak your women into your condo?”

As soon as the doors close, I pin her to the wall, my hips bracing hers while my hands bracket her face. “I don’t sneak women up into my home. I’m taking you home and making you my wife because I want you. End of story, Lara. I don’t care what you say to try to dissuade me. Because when it’s all said and done, I’m going to marry you, fill your belly with little versions of us, and we’re going to live the dream life. Understood?”

I get that she’s nervous and she’s taking that out on me, making assumptions based on men in general, but I’m not like every other fucker out there. My life has been fucked up and maybe I’m no good for her in other ways, but my faithfulness is without a doubt a guarantee.

“You’re bossy.” She’s not disagreeing with me even though I sound like a fucking madman at the moment. Frankly, I feel insanely possessive of her, and there’s no two ways about it. I can’t change those emotions and I don’t even want to try.

“As long as we have an understanding, beautiful. Now, I’m going to kiss those lips that I’ve been craving since our last kiss.”

“What if I said I’ve had enough kisses?” she challenges, tilting her chin up with a look of pure defiance, her lips parted, pulse racing, and chest heaving, causing her huge breasts to rise and fall with every breath.

“Then you’d be lying to the both of us.” I close in, brushing my nose against hers and watching the way she reacts. Her breathing hitches, and her hands grasp my suit lapels.

“Jerk,” she says, swatting my chest.

“My sweet liar,” I whisper against her lips. I lift her up, thrust my hands into her silky curls, and lower my head. I tangle with her tongue as I push mine into her mouth. Our kiss is rough, hungry, and possessive as my fiery little woman clings to my thighs with her legs.

“I hate you.” Her voice is just above a soft whisper and has no fight.

“See? Lying again.” The door dings, but I can’t stop touching her. My mouth runs across her throat, licking her tender vanilla-scented skin.

“Time to get off,” she says. “The elevator…”

“I’ll get you off again very soon, little one.” I scoop her up and cradle her as I bring her into my home, turning on the entryway light.

“Promises, Mr. Black, but I’m sure you’re just all talk. Men like you are always overcompensating.” A jealous rage fills my bones at the thought of her speaking about her fucking another man. I set her on her feet, slamming her body firmly against the door.

“I’m not overcompensating for shit, Lara, and for the love of God, don’t ever talk about fucking another guy in front of me ever again. I will destroy the bastard.”

“Take it easy. I was speaking in generalities, rich boy.” She taps my chin and I step back, feeling insane. I run my palms through my thick black hair, needing to catch my breath. “Now, I believe you were about to take me to bed. If not, you can call me a cab and I can go home.”

“You aren’t going anywhere, love.”

I should toss her onto the bed because I feel so amped up to breed this beauty, but I don’t want to hurt my little treasure, so I gently lay my future down and strip off my suit jacket and undo my cufflinks, suddenly angry at the stubborn little barbell pieces. Once they’re gone, I’m able to undo my buttons and slide off my shirt. My sexy queen lies on the bed staring in awe and in silence, pretty lips parted. “Come here. Bring me those lips. I need them.”

She rises up on her knees, but she doesn’t go for my mouth. No, she starts lower, placing a kiss on my chest. A vibrating moan rolls from her throat as she lifts up higher and she nips my chin. “Landon,” Lara whispers before her mouth brushes against mine. She’s my undoing and my remaking. It doesn’t make any rational sense how I could want her with all my being, so intently, but I do.

“You’re mine.” I thrust my hands through her hair at her temples, cradling her head as I kiss her and bring her back flat down on the mattress. “I want you, tonight. Are you going to let me have you?”

“Yes, Landon,” she moans, running her hands over my chest and biceps.

“Are you going to let me keep you forever?” I question, sliding her down the mattress, straddling her body.

“How about just for tonight?” I don’t like her counteroffer, but I’m not going to debate the issue now.

“We’ll see.” She smiles up at me, and I know that I’m not going to let her get away—ever. Lara Reynolds will be Lara Black before she knows it. I’m not the kind of man that loses at anything. I’ve fought too hard in my life for the things I’ve wanted, although they’ve all been business. She’s the first and only thing worth fighting for—one fight I most assuredly can’t lose.

Our mouths collide as I run my hands down her arms, skimming over her lightly tanned skin. I wonder whether her tan comes from sitting out in the sun on a beach or a tanning bed, but I’m going to lick my way down her body either way and explore. Then, I’ll hunt down all the men who have seen my little sweet Lara in a bikini. The lust that consumes me with desire also sends me into a possessive jealousy that is all new to me, but welcome nonetheless.

I grip the edge of her shirt and lift it over her head, revealing a black bra holding her massive, round tits.

I slide down onto my stomach, parting her legs and getting in position to eat her sweet pussy. Her juices coat the crotch, darkening the black patch, making me thirsty. I brush my nose against the material and watch and feel her shake. “Relax, sweet love. I’m going to make you come.”

Tags: C.M. Steele Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024