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Lara (Reynolds Ranch)

Page 22

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“Not until the day your sister says I do. Come on, Lara. You need to explain the Lawless, but I’m pretty sure I already know why he calls you that,” I scoff, sliding my hand onto the small of her back as she zips up her coat.

“Damn, wait. Landon Black. The security…the party?” he says as we make our way down the corridor.

“Your sister will not be sneaking into parties anymore.” That is for the both of them to hear because if she thinks she’s going to pull some shit like that again, she’s got another thing coming.

“If your security was so good, she wouldn’t have gotten in,” he scoffs.

“She only got inside because I allowed it and because she will one day be my wife. I couldn’t very well have let her get away without learning her name and address. Now, are you hungry, love?”

“I’m not, but I’m sure Tobias could probably eat an entire cow right now.”

“As it happens, I could. Would you like to join us?”

“Only if you would like it. I only wanted to reassure myself that Lara was safe.”

“Bullshit. You were worried her ass was around the entire football team. I already made sure she’s not in the locker room. I’d have to kill those fuckers if they tried to get with my sister.”

“So would I.” The low rumble in my voice doesn’t go unnoticed by either of them, but the threat is no less for show. Lara’s the one I’d move mountains for.

“You two are acting like I’m not here.” She pouts, shaking her head.

“I know you’re right here, love. I can’t forget that you’re in my arms, Lara.” I kiss the crown of her hair. “I’ve missed you.”

“Then why didn’t you call?” she huffs, stopping and turning away from me.

“I’ll just give you two a minute.” He tosses his arms up in the air, taking two steps away from us while he plays on his phone. I’d bet any money he’s looking me up, but none of that matters because Lara needs to understand that she’s more important to me than everything else. I spin Lara in my arms so we’re facing each other.

“Sweetheart, I was tempted to drag you back to my condo the second I let you walk into your dorm. I swear I wanted to beat that damn door down and drag your ass back. It’s fucking insane the way my fucking chest pounds when I think about being with you, and the past thirty odd hours have felt like shit. You said we’re moving too fucking fast, so I’m trying to give you some space.”

“Well, what do I know about relationships?”

“How about we figure this out together? Tonight, I’ll take you home, but tomorrow, you’re coming home with me and we’ll go from there.”

“I like that idea.”


“Can we hurry the fuck up? I’m getting more and more hungry, which isn’t helping my mood.”

“Hold your horses.”

“Keep that shit up, and I’ll call Mom and Dad and tell them you have a boyfriend. I assure you that they won’t be as nice as I am right now. Fuck, I think the only reason I’m being nice is because I’m too fucking sore to get into an actual fight right now with this huge motherfucker.”

“I’ll take my wins where I can get them,” I admit. He’s a tough guy, so I won’t even bother pushing his buttons tonight. He doesn’t need to know that I’m actively trying to breed his sister.

“That’s good because tomorrow my mood might be a whole different one.”

“It’s not going to change anything when it comes to my relationship with Lara. Now let’s go enjoy some food.”

The security team opens the players’ exit, and we see a few straggling reporters looking for a last-minute scoop.

“Mr. Black, it’s good to see you here. We didn’t see you at the game,” a reporter I vaguely remember says. She’s smiling at me in a flirtatious way, and I feel Lara stiffen up next to me. Now would be a perfect time to prove my point, but I won’t do anything to hurt her on purpose.

I take Lara’s hand and bring it to my lips. “That’s because I only came to join my woman and her brother for the evening.”

“A woman? You have someone? That’s news. Congratulations. I hope you don’t let her get away. We may never see this day again.” There’s shock and envy in her voice, so I make my point even clearer to her and anyone who may have had interest.

“She’ll be my wife one day. Now excuse me.”

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