Lara (Reynolds Ranch) - Page 27

Chapter Ten


I missed her the second I left the condo, and I can’t wait to see her again. Danny sent in a report that he picked her up and dropped her off at her first class. Congratulations on meeting your match. She’s going to be a handful. I laugh at his text.

Especially after I receive Lara’s text. Poor Danny, I think you’re going to need a new HOS. He’s not that tough. He’s scared of you. Miss you.

I have no idea what happened between them, but I have a feeling she gave him a run for his money this morning and like the man he is, he held it together. I hope I don’t need to give him a raise. Tobias shared a little more about his sister and her knack for having a snarky mouth. That I knew, and I fucking love it.

I’m out of my meeting with a new buyer and decide I can’t wait, so I call Danny to find out what the fuck happened. “Whatever she says, I swear I didn’t flirt with her. She’s a pain in the ass.”

I growl.

“Sorry. I mean, don’t get me wrong… I mean, a pain in the ass in a good way, but…” After he’s done telling me what happened, I’m trying my hardest not to laugh. She’s a smartass and a half. I’m going to have fun playing with her later.

“She doesn’t want security, but she’s going to get it. So she was jealous?”

“Yeah. It was funny, and I think that’s what made her take that shit out on me.”

“I’ll deal with it. My woman doesn’t have anything to be jealous about—ever.”

“Did you find her a good team yet?”

“No. No one is qualified enough to care for her.”

“No one?” I can hear the disbelief in his voice because we have hundreds of skilled candidates who are available to handle personal security, but Lara’s the most important person in the world to me. Her security has to be the best. I can’t rush the team I pick for her. I love this woman, and she’s going to be the center of my family, my universe. Nothing can happen to her. Fuck, thinking about family has my dick hard. I wonder if our baby is growing in her right now. I filled her womb up with my seed several times, even though I should have let her tender pussy rest.

God, my dick is getting hard just thinking about her and making our little ones. I adjust my cock because I’m about to head into a meeting with a Seattle firm looking for cybersecurity. It’s going to take me half the afternoon, and I’m not going to be home until six. I usually don’t get done until nine and I never fucking mind, but I want to be alone with Lara.

From the second she crossed my sights, I knew that my days of working long hours were numbered. I don’t care if it costs me millions a year in revenue, or even if I have to hire more people to take on the responsibilities of my day to day so I can hold her a little longer.

I do my best to avoid calling her because I know the second that I do, I’ll cave and leave the office and run to wherever she is. That’s just how she’s rewired me. I’m at her will, and she doesn’t even know it yet. When she does, I hope she’s ready for my insanity.

Even though she’s with Danny, I slipped a tracking device into her phone and installed an app. I’m working double time to keep track of her. If by some miracle she gives Danny the slip, which I’m not putting past my woman, I’ll be able to find her. Not to mention, I’ve added one inside her purse as well, just in case. I’ll be adding them to other things for her safety.

She’s going to be pissed when she finds out, but I have them too. As a man of my wealth and position, my suits are tagged just in case I get kidnapped. Kidnappers are quick to get rid of your phone and your shoes as soon as they snatch you, but it’s been a while since a perpetrator has stripped down someone they executed. I’ve been in this business a long time, and it hasn’t happened on my watch. Thankfully, my team has an impeccable record, and I’d like to keep it that way. It’s not that easy because people are evil as fuck.

My secretary, Miss Williams, sits down beside me as we prep for the call. “Did you bring in the figures?” She’s been with us for two years, is in her late twenties, and has a great head on her shoulders and could be more if she wasn’t always trying to please me. I’m starting to think she’s a real kiss-ass, and it’s annoying.

“Yes, Mr. Black. Everything you need is here.” She smiles at me a little too sweetly for my taste, and it takes me by surprise. A sickening feeling builds in my stomach. I hope to hell she isn’t flirting with me.

“Okay. Let’s make this call. I have a lot more I’d rather be doing right now than this,” I grumble.

“Me, too,” Ms. Williams practically purrs. Oh fuck, please tell me she’s not thinking anything other than a monetary raise because that’s the only raise she’ll ever get out of me, and if she tries anything else, she’ll be out on her ass.

The line rings, and I make introductions once we’re connected. “Thank you for meeting with us, Mr. Black.”

“Yes. I’m looking over the documents you sent, and everything looks great.”

“Yes, about that. Well, we’re not happy with that deal. We found a vendor that could handle the security for half your rate and with the same quality.”

“Then explain to me what you are doing wasting my time on this call.”

“We wanted to see if you wanted to match the offer.”

“No. I’m afraid what we have to offer is on the table. Nothing else can be altered. We gave you a great rate and an amazing package.”

“Can’t you upgrade us and knock off thirty percent?”

Tags: C.M. Steele Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024