Lara (Reynolds Ranch) - Page 36

“Hi, Lara,” they both say.

“Let’s dig in and try to get some learning in before it gets crowded in here,” Danny says.

“Who are you?” Patrick snipes at him.

“That’s Lara’s guard dog. Her boyfriend makes sure she’s always protected,” Kelly says, rolling her eyes.

“You have a boyfriend?” Oops. He actually looks dejected. I hope she didn’t bring them here in the hopes to set up a double knowing that I’m with Landon.

“Yes, she does, and he’s willing to destroy any competition,” Danny adds. I doubt Landon’s the only one who’s ready to beat down any other male.

“Okay, enough. I didn’t come to talk about my relationships. I came to study.” I set my books down and bring out my notes from class. I’m not a fan of calculus, so I hope one of these people is smart because I’m hating this more and more as time goes on. This is the worst class I’ve ever had. Numbers blow chunks, and I don’t understand the fact that they had to toss random letters with a bunch of weird symbols into the mix. It’s not cool at all.

“That’s what we’re here for,” Danny reminds them.

“So I hate this class. Please tell me someone here doesn’t completely suck at this.”

“I’m great with numbers,” Patrick says. “I can make you a genius with figures—just give me some time.” He winks, and I can’t tell if he’s flirting or just boasting, but Danny tenses up next to me. I try to ignore him, but throughout the entire session he’s grumbling something or other about trouble and how blind some people can be.

We’re about to close our books when Danny leans in and says something to Kelly. Her face turns pink, and then that’s when Patrick passes by my chair and says, “Here’s my number just in case you need any more help, or if you lose the boyfriend.”

He continues walking before I can hand it back to him, but Danny snatches it from me. “What a fucking fool.”

“Did you just call me a fool?”

“Not you. Him. Although, you totally need to remember that you’re taken. If you don’t want Landon to go ape-shit crazy, maybe it’s best not to let a guy spend hours flirting with you, making small passes, giving him reasons to touch you.”

“I didn’t.”

“No? When Miss Williams put her hand on his arm, he made sure she knew her place.” I feel like crying. I do my best to stop the tears from coming. I wanted to tell him to stop with the passive flirting, but I wasn’t sure if he was being nice and I didn’t want to come off as a bitch. Now, I see it was just an act and he was totally trying to hook up. I feel like a tool. Danny sighs and does a half hug, catching me by surprise.

Kelly nudges him out of the way. “You’re doing it wrong, dipshit. You’re a fucking robot.”

“Sorry. Now, listen. I’m not saying this is your fault. I get that maybe because you’re a woman, it’s harder to tell a guy to go fuck off. That’s what I’m here for, but I can’t do my job when you’re telling me it’s nothing and to stand down. I tried to be good, but if Landon sees this shit, my ass will be the one in trouble.”

“Sorry. I didn’t think about it.” I pull away from Kelly and give Danny a real hug.

He pulls back as if he’s going to be crucified. “You shouldn’t have to. We all told that fucker you had a boyfriend, but he still pressed his luck. Now, I’m not going to say shit, but next time he approaches you, I’ll put him in his place without an argument from you, or I’ll tell Landon.”

“Sure. I understand. Next time I’ll be a little more conscious of it.”

“Girl, relax. You can’t read minds. It’s not like he put it on a sign that he wasn’t giving up on the idea of hooking up with you. In fact, I thought he had some sense.”

“Well, it doesn’t matter because I won’t be talking to him again. I have a man and I’m happily crazy about Landon, so all other guys can go fuck off.”

My phone rings in my hand, and it’s a text message from Landon. I miss you, babe. I hope the studying is going well. I’ll see you in an hour.

I miss you too. I’m on my way back to the condo in a few minutes.

“Okay, so I’m ready to go. Are we dropping you off, Kelly?”

“Yes, we are,” Danny states.

“Calm down, brute. I can do what I want and don’t need you to escort me everywhere because I’m Lara’s friend.”

“You’re going to be dropped off. You said you were tired and wanted to get to bed early.”

“Damn, all up in my business. Maybe I was trying to lie to him so I didn’t have to go out to dinner tonight.”

Tags: C.M. Steele Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024