A Kingdom of Stars and Shadows - Page 40

He kept his hand over my mouth and his body pressed against mine as I struggled beneath him, and the scream I let out was muffled beneath his fingers as I watched him lift a small dagger. His hand fumbled with the weapon as he lifted it toward my chest, and I kicked my legs wildly to try to get him off me.

He wasn’t expecting the movement, and I managed to budge my chest from under his. I screamed at the top of my lungs as his fingers lost their grip on my mouth.

“Fuck,” he cursed and his hand came down hard on my upper thigh. I didn’t realize what had happened until the burning pain tore through my leg.

He dropped the dagger quickly as he stared down at the cut he had just made in my flesh, and I knew then what he wanted. He was watching my blood escape from my skin as if it was a gift from the gods. He pressed his fingers against the cut as I hissed in pain, and when he lifted his bloodied hand into the moonlight, I knew that was my only chance.

I lifted my other leg and kicked him in the chest with every bit of power I had. He groaned deep and loud as he fell to his side, and I quickly crawled back from him and grasped for anything I could to help aid in my escape.

“You bitch!” His stare was murderous as he brought his fingers to his mouth and licked my blood from his skin. “You are going to pay for that.”

I climbed to my knees before he could lunge for me again, but the sound of movement coming from the castle caught my attention. It caught his too.

He was to his feet before I could yell out again, and he disappeared through the trees as quickly as he came. Pain radiated from my leg as I tried to climb to my feet, and I heard one of the guards curse once they saw me.

“Get the prince,” one of them ordered before coming to stand before me. “Are you all right, Starblessed?”

I watched over his shoulder as two other guards took off in the direction that my assailant had just left.

“I think she might be in shock.”

“I’m okay,” I grumbled, and pressed my hand against a tree to take some of the pressure off my leg. “I just need to get to my room.”

The guards looked back and forth between one another. “You’re bleeding.”

“I’m well aware.” My hand tightened on my thigh, and I pushed off the tree to force myself back into the palace. I didn’t know what I was thinking. Here I was ready to run, ready to try to survive the world completely on my own, and I was attacked before I could even escape the wall.

I had a blaring reminder of who I was on my face and back, and no matter where I went, people would know. They would know what I was, and they would want and take from me as they pleased.

One of the guards reached out for my arm as I tried to pass him, and even though I wanted to refuse his help, I couldn’t. My leg hurt worse with every step I took, and my head began throbbing in pain. I knew it would only get worse until I got back to my room and assessed the damage.

Damage caused by someone who was currently on the castle grounds. I hadn’t recognized the man who attacked me, but I knew that he was nobility of some sort. He wasn’t wearing a uniform of the guard, and the fabrics he wore were far too fine to be a servant’s.

Which meant he was a trusted member of Gavril’s court.

“We’re almost there,” the guard spoke softly, and I knew that he could see the pain in my face. “I could carry you.”

“No.” I shook my head and powered on toward the door I had left from.

I tried not to think about what Gavril was going to do or say once he saw me. I had no way to explain why I was outside the palace after dark. He would know the truth without a single word of confession from my lips.

I knew that he would be furious with his future bride, and I feared what that fury would bring.

The guard opened the door and helped me through, and my chest tightened as we made it back into the hall. The lack of air I felt hit me immediately, and I tried to calm my rising panic.

Instead of leading me toward my room, the guard turned past the library and pressed his hand against the stone wall. I sucked in a shocked breath as the wall groaned and the stone moved as if the strength in his hand alone made it so.

He tried to tug me forward, but I dug my heels into the ground.

“This way, Starblessed.”

“Where are you taking me?” My voice didn’t sound like my own. The panic was evident, and I watched as pity flashed in the guard’s eyes.

“To the prince. Please don’t make me drag you there.”

I took a step forward, following him through the wall, and I blinked as the wall closed back behind us and the tight tunnel we stood inside came into view. It was dark inside the walls, but I could at least see in front of me as he led us down the small corridor and toward my consequences.

I could feel the blood coating my fingers with every step we took, and when he finally stopped and touched the wall again, I was desperate just to face the crowned prince and get this over with.

Tags: Holly Renee Fantasy
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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