A Kingdom of Stars and Shadows - Page 77


It had been hours since we mounted our horses and left the bodies of the guards lying in the forest. It infuriated Evren to do so, but both he and Jorah had decided that we didn’t have time to bury them if we wanted to make it out without another attack.

No one hardly spoke as we rode. Evren was still behind me, his hold on me so much harder than before, but I didn’t fight it. I welcomed his touch, even as my gaze devoured every inch of the trees. I felt on high alert, and Evren’s whispered words that we were okay did nothing to calm me.

Not until the line of trees thinned and I could spot the trails of sunlight just beyond the edge of the forest. We passed through that line, and a weight lifted off my chest as the sun beamed against my skin. I felt instantly warmer, but I still leaned back against Evren as I tried to make sense of what was to come.

“There’s a small town just ahead,” Evren spoke against my neck. “We’ll stop there for the night and rest.”

I nodded my head, although I wasn’t sure stopping was the best idea. But real food and a real bed sounded lovely, and I wasn’t foolish enough to pass it up. And even though Evren said that he was healed, I knew the prince needed to rest.

And I needed my space.

I stared down at my wrist as we made it to the edge of town. The scar that Gavril had caused was now covered in a new mark. The starlight and shadows stared back at me and reminded me of what we’d done. The difference between a mark due to what was taken and what was willingly given was stark.

I only noted two buildings in the town as we approached. A tavern with billowing smoke escaping from a small chimney and what I assumed was a blacksmith across the dirt road. There were no people out on the street even though I could make out small houses in the distant fields.

“This is Iladonia.” Evren nodded toward the small village. “They’ve kept watch on the border of the forest for centuries.”

“What are they watching for exactly?”

“Any threat to the kingdom.”

Jorah led his horse directly in front of the tavern, and Evren followed suit. We stopped there, and Jorah dismounted before grabbing the reins from Evren.

“I’ll find boarding for the mares.”

Evren nodded. “We’ll get us a room.”

Evren dismounted before helping me down from the horse, and I shook out my stiff limbs. “Come on, princess. If nothing else, I know this place has some decent ale.”

He clasped my hand in his, and my hand zapped with his power. He pulled me inside behind him, and the large fire that took up the majority of the back wall roared with heat.

I trembled against the heat, and I hadn’t realized just how cold I was.

“Here.” Evren led me to the back of the tavern that was only filled with a few other patrons. None of them paid us any notice as he pulled out my chair at the table closest to the fire. “I’ll be right back.”

I rubbed my hands together as he walked up the long bar that took up one entire side of the pub. There was a young girl working behind it, and she smiled softly at Evren as he approached. Jealousy bloomed in my chest, but I forced it down.

She nodded at whatever the prince was saying before opening the sole door behind her. She disappeared for a moment before she returned and began speaking to Evren as she grabbed three glasses and began filling them with ale.

A young boy pushed through the doorway she had just gone through, and he balanced three wooden bowls in his hands. He blinked up at me as he approached, and the smell of stew made my stomach growl.

I hadn’t realized how hungry I was either.

“Ma’am.” He dipped his head before sliding one of the bowls in front of me.

“Adara.” I grabbed the spoon quickly and shoveled a bite of the hot stew into my mouth. The boy watched me as he set the other two bowls at my sides.

“I’m Ren.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Ren.” I looked over the boy who was covered in dirt and soot. He was dirty, but he looked healthy. The muscles on his small frame telling of the life he lived.

“It’s nice to meet you as well.” He looked over his shoulder to where Evren was now taking a key from the woman. “Are you here with the captain?”

“I am.” I nodded and took another bite. The flavor was divine and the meat tender. “This is delicious.”

“Thank you.” Ren blushed as he watched me eat. “I can get you another bowl. I made it myself.”

Tags: Holly Renee Fantasy
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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