Alien Ruler Needs a Nanny (Alien Nanny Agency 3) - Page 9


Always provide a proper introduction.

- Dr. H.VynFleet, 132 Tenets of Childcare &


Yasmine watched the big man approach, sure that it must be just the long day of travel making her feel strangely breathless.

“Welcome,” he called out brusquely, his booming voice echoing off the mostly empty space. He seemed to have an awful lot of confidence for someone who worked in Staffing. But she guessed someone of his size would. He looked almost Terran, but quite a bit larger than any of her friends or family. And he wore a plain gold circlet that reminded her of…


It’s him.

Yasmine had done a brief search on the Ruler and his family after signing the confidentiality agreement and receiving his info. The man was wildly handsome in spite of the stern expression he always seemed to wear, and his no-nonsense approach to governing. Half the comments on the article she read were just women swooning over him.

The daughter, Olympia, was adorable, with sparkling eyes full of mischief. And the son, Ajax, was an absolutely strapping fourteen-year-old, who already looked an awful lot like his dad.

She hadn’t expected to meet the Ruler on her first day, let alone have him be the one to welcome her here.

Desperately, she searched her mind for etiquette rules and came up with nothing. Was she supposed to bow? Curtsy?

She froze like one of the stone statues outside.

“Ba’shir Kreed,” he said, nodding his head as if to make it clear that he knew she was carrying things and couldn’t do whatever was supposed to be done in this moment.

“It is an honor to meet you, Your… Your…” to her horror she couldn’t come up with his proper title. “Majesty.”

“On Ulfgard, we say ‘My Ruler’,” he told her sternly.

One corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and she wondered if he was laughing at her.

Gods, but he’s hot.

Crap. I definitely shouldn’t be noticing that.

“I’m so sorry, My Ruler, sir,” she said quickly, trying to bow without dropping the plant or her bag, so he couldn’t see her face.

But then she remembered he didn’t need to see her face.

Can he really sense my feelings? Did he read that thought just now?

She waited for him to laugh at her, fire her, or both.

“No apologies needed,” he told her, his voice slightly warmer than before. “We are one people, come from many.”

She looked up at him, struck by the accepting nature of his unusual phrasing.

“A favorite Ulfgardian motto,” he explained. “Our people come from so many parts of the galaxy that it takes time to feel at home with our diverse customs. Come, let’s go see your charges.”

She nodded and followed him, grateful for the chance to regain her dignity. Hopefully, she’d get off to a better start with the kids.

He walked briskly, but more slowly than he had when coming to greet her. It was as if he knew his great size made it harder for smaller people to keep up. It was a small courtesy, but it said volumes.

She might have just made an idiot of herself, but her employer had compassionate instincts, even if he was known for being tough. That was comforting.

“That’s a nice specimen,” he said, indicating her plant. “Is it for our gardens?”

Tags: Tasha Black Alien Nanny Agency Science Fiction
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025