Alien Ruler Needs a Nanny (Alien Nanny Agency 3) - Page 17

Teacher Anfree had given her a simple but pretty piece of music. It had a straightforward rhythm and a pleasing pattern.

As soon as Pia seemed to have it, her teacher joined her, adding a bass line to the melody.

Pia let out a high-pitched giggle of delight.

Unfortunately, it also broke her concentration enough that she had to stop and begin again, which made her crumple with shame. She hung her head and her little body seemed to melt until she was half-hiding under the bench.

“That was amazing, Pia,” her teacher said, leaning down to comfort her. “I know I distracted you, but I wouldn’t have tried to play along with you if you weren’t doing such a great job.”

She sat up a little straighter but didn’t come out.

“To tell you the truth,” he confided in a low voice. “I couldn’t help myself. Your part sounded so good.”

He started humming out her melody line in such a silly, happy way that Pia sprang out from under the bench to sing with him.

When they were finished, he patted her once on the head.

“I think this was my favorite lesson ever,” he told her. “You tell your nanny she can come and watch anytime she likes.”

“Are we all done?” Pia asked eagerly.

“Yes,” he laughed. “We’re all done. I’ll see you next time, Olympia Kreed.”

“I’ll count to one hundred,” Pia said, turning to Yasmine immediately. “You hide.”

Before Yasmine had a chance to reply, Pia had ensconced herself in a corner, covered her eyes and proceeded to count.

“She’s a really good kid,” Teacher Anfree said with an apologetic smile. “She just has a ton of energy. If I taught fencing or track, she would be my top pre-school student.”

“She’s lucky to have a teacher who understands her,” Yasmine said.

“Jandiss Anfree,” he said, smiling warmly.

His eyes were twinkling, and she noticed how handsome he was. She had never met a Vystian before, but she was pretty sure this guy was a stand-out, with his tall, lightly muscled frame and pale green tentacles.

Though he couldn’t hold a candle to her boss.

“Yasmine Hall,” she said, hoping she wasn’t blushing. She was here to care for Pia and Jax, not to treat the palace work force like a dating app.

But Jandiss smiled at her with frank appreciation.

“Twenty-five,” Pia called out significantly.

“I’d better go,” she told him, feeling relieved to have a reason to run off.

“Thanks again,” he said, nodding to her. “Maybe see you next time.”

She jogged back out to the corridor without making any promises.

Looking around, she realized she really didn’t know the palace yet. It was probably a good thing that Pia was letting her be the first to hide. If Yasmine had to search herself, she might end up getting lost.

But hiding meant possibly getting underfoot if things were going on in the palace.

She decided to stay toward the back of the house, where it was less likely she would be in anyone’s way.

Tags: Tasha Black Alien Nanny Agency Science Fiction
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025