Alien Ruler Needs a Nanny (Alien Nanny Agency 3) - Page 32

“Thank you, Miss Hall,” he said with real feeling.

Something passed between them in that instant. She felt as if they were equals, friends, even.

His azure eyes went to her lips for just an instant. But it was enough to start her heart pounding like she was doing sprints.

“Your dinner is probably getting cold again,” she said quickly, scrambling up too fast from the chair and nearly catching her skirt on the arm.

“Thank you again for bringing it to me,” he said, standing with more dignity than she’d managed.

She scurried out of the room, stealing one last glance at his achingly handsome face, as she closed the door.

He looked almost lonely.

Of course, that wasn’t possible. Kreed spent all his time in meetings and on comms. He probably treasured his rare moments of privacy.

In the cool darkness of the corridor, she leaned against the wall beside his door for a moment, catching her breath.

That was nothing, she told herself. He’s your boss, nothing more. You can’t go falling in love with a man just because he listens to you.

Tags: Tasha Black Alien Nanny Agency Science Fiction
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025