Alien Ruler Needs a Nanny (Alien Nanny Agency 3) - Page 39

“Look,” Pia whispered.

Sure enough, they had lifted off above the forested land that surrounded the palace.

It was so green, so lush, that it almost took her breath away. Yasmine had been so focused on the job and learning more about her employer on the way here that she hadn’t properly realized just how exotic Ulfgard was compared to Terra-17.

But, as Pia pointed out, they were soon floating down closer to the street as they approached the little town.

“Are we still running early?” she asked Pesh.

Pesh nodded once, her blob-like form somehow not dropping her driver’s cap in spite of the way she wobbled slightly after nodding.

“Maybe we can stop at the park for five minutes,” Yasmine suggested. Making Pia’s eyes light up.

Thomm and Astyr exchanged a glance.

“I’m very sorry, Miss Yasmine,” Thomm said. “The park isn’t on the itinerary. It hasn’t been swept.”

“Oh,” Pia said sadly.

Yasmine felt instantly guilty for not thinking about the security concerns, and for disappointing the kids.

But maybe all wasn’t lost just yet.

“Hey, do you have to make security sweeps for me?” she asked. “Or just the kids?”

“Yasmine, are you going to play in the park without me?” Pia asked sadly.

“I was just curious,” she said carefully.

“No, miss,” Thomm said. “Though a detail can be made available to accompany you anytime you’re off the palace grounds, if you would like.”

“So I could just pop into that café?” she asked, pointing to a glass storefront on the corner.

“Sure,” Astyr said. “And don’t worry. If you get into trouble, Thomm can shoot the ears off an arbistle at a hundred meters.”

Yasmine had done her share of small game hunting for food back home on the farm. Anyone who could hit one of those twitchy, rabbit-like creatures at all was a great shot, as far as she was concerned. But she didn’t think it would be necessary for a simple coffee run.

“Well, if I run into any arbistles in there, I’ll be sure to let you know,” Yasmine assured them.

Astyr chuckled and gave Thomm a look.

“Hang on, guys,” she told the kids as Pesh pulled over to let her out.

By some miracle, there was no line at the café. She bought two hot chocolates and three coffees and dashed back out to the limo in record time with the box.

The man in line behind her had a small drone, and it buzzed a little too close as she got back in the car, but she forgot all about it when she settled in.

“Did you get five coffees, Yasmine?” Pia asked. “You’re thirsty.”

“Well, these are two high-octane espressos for you and your brother,” Yasmine teased, offering them each a cup. “And the others are for Thomm and Astyr and Pesh.”

“Coffee?” Pia asked, her eyes wide.

“Not really,” Yasmine said. “I was only kidding. It’s hot chocolate.”

Jax finally looked up from the window and smiled, reaching his hand out to take the warm cup.

“Wait,” Thomm said. “Those have to be probed.”

Tags: Tasha Black Alien Nanny Agency Science Fiction
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025