Alien Ruler Needs a Nanny (Alien Nanny Agency 3) - Page 50


Yasmine cried out at the sudden assault of pleasure. She was drowning in it, and still desperate for more.

Nothing about what was happening made sense, but she didn’t care.

It had been so long since she had felt another being’s touch. It was exhilarating to be present in the moment, so present she felt almost more than real. As if she had been living in two dimensions until now.

Kreed moved to her other breast just as his teasing turned to torture. He seemed to know exactly how to touch her, how much gentleness and how much passion.

Maybe he does know. He’s not wearing the circlet.

Somehow, the idea was comforting instead of invasive.

She felt herself relax further, need pulsing through her like a river, inviting him.

He abandoned her breasts to meet her eyes, his azure gaze filled with hunger.

She wanted to speak, to beg, but she had no words.

He heard her anyway.

She let her head fall back on the pillows as he pressed kisses to her belly, the heat of his mouth a delicious contrast against the cool air in the room.

When he reached the apex of her thighs he paused.

She felt a quiver of embarrassment. Was he really going to kiss her there?

“Yasmine.” The word was a plea, his voice dark with need, his eyes smoldering.

Desire shot through her, and he responded to it before she even nodded her assent, pressing her legs apart and licking her inner thighs.

She felt her need unfurling, a pull so deep it made her breathless. She whimpered.

Breathe. Find your center. Bring…

And then his tongue was tracing the seam of her tender sex, his hot breath teasing the sensitive flesh, and she lost all other thoughts.

The pleasure was exquisite. Her back arched and she grasped the sheets in her fists as he began to feed on her in earnest.

On and on he stroked and teased her with his tongue, coaxing her higher and higher until she was panting and begging, her whole body tensed and quivering for release.

“Please,” she cried out, in real despair.

Instantly, he latched his lips onto her little pearl, flickering his tongue against it as he sucked lightly.

The pleasure was almost blinding. It flung her toward the stars and then caught her again in endless throbs of ecstasy.

Yasmine lost track of her own sounds. Kreed moaned against her, as if he could feel it too.

When the rapture released her at last, she felt like she was floating again. Every cell in her body rejoiced as she collapsed against the bed.

Kreed crawled up beside her, pulling her tight to his chest as if he wanted to drink down her emotions.

She sighed and snuggled into his chest again, letting the feelings flow through her - not just the physical pleasure he shared with her, but the comfort and peace too. Those were the most special part of this night. She hadn’t realized how tired she had been feeling all the time. Not until she could let go of her pain fully to someone who understood.

She slid her hand down his chest, eager to share pleasure with him, too.

But he caught her wrist in his big hand and brought it back up to his neck.

“Rest,” he whispered. “Just rest.”

She didn’t think she could rest, surely her brain would start racing again.

But he was so big and warm. She felt safe in his presence. And something else too… there was a vitality of her own now that hadn’t been there before.

It hit her suddenly that what she was feeling was what her martial arts instructor would have called her Chi, her life force. Though she did not share the Ruler’s special power, she had allowed herself to be open for the first time in years, open enough to awaken her inner light and allow his to commune with it.

As she drifted to sleep in the Ruler’s strong arms, it dawned on her that she had been wandering through her pain like a ghost. But she could feel her heart beating again now. She could feel herself coming back to life.

Tags: Tasha Black Alien Nanny Agency Science Fiction
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025