Alien Ruler Needs a Nanny (Alien Nanny Agency 3) - Page 56


Ba’sh lounged in the cockpit of the Palace Cloudcutter.

The little aircraft was excellent for quick sector voyages, yet armed heavily enough to withstand a surprise attack.

But the best part was that the cockpit was roomy, and Ba’sh’s brief stint as a co-pilot in the war qualified him to sit up here with the pilot while the official co-pilot checked her comms and drank coffee in the lounge.

Khall Rivvor was a war hero, but more importantly, he was a nice guy. He had just moved his family out to the country, too.

Ba’sh always liked hanging out with Khall, but today he was especially eager to hear his thoughts on a particular subject. If only he could figure out a way to bring it up.

He’d been walking on air since he woke up this morning with Yasmine beside him, her dark hair splayed out on the pillow, her sweet face looking even sweeter as she slept.

Before he put his circlet on, he’d sat beside her, drinking in the peace that surrounded her like a haze.

I did that. I gave her comfort.

He was sorry he had to leave her, but he had a fiendishly early start to his day, and there was no point waking her.

Especially when he had no idea what he was going to say to her.

In that moment, studying her in the pre-dawn darkness, he hadn’t been certain if it was only his own unsatisfied lust pulling him toward her, or if there was really something more between them, something that demanded exploration.

But now, in the light of day, he knew.

Yasmine Hall was special.

He hoped he hadn’t screwed up too badly by leaving her without so much as a note or comm.

Though the palace staff had been discrete so far, surely someone would have noticed that she had slept in his room. He didn’t need to make things worse by leaving a digital trail.

But he hoped he hadn’t made her feel cheap or unwanted.

“Lot on your mind today, My Ruler?” Khall asked.

“Call me Ba’sh,” he replied automatically, knowing the pilot was all-business when he was on duty. “And… actually, there is.”

“We’ve got a two-hour cruise ahead of us,” Khall said, lifting an eyebrow as if in invitation.

“How are your kids?” Ba’sh asked instead.

“They’re great,” Khall said immediately. “And yours? How’s that new nanny working out?”

“Word travels fast,” Ba’sh said, impressed.

“I flew her in,” Khall said with a shrug. “But April said there were already pictures of her on the feeds yesterday.”

“Poor kid can’t buy a coffee in peace anymore,” Ba’sh said, shaking his head. “I probably should have warned her.”

“She’ll get used to it,” Khall said. “She seemed nice. Do the kids like her?”

“They really do,” Ba’sh said thoughtfully. “They took to her right away.”

He thought about it. When was the last time both kids had trusted a new grown-up like that?

Seeing her with them out at the fountain the other night, and after school yesterday, having so much fun, it had made him feel jealous, and… something else. Something poignant.

“And you?” Khall asked quietly.

Tags: Tasha Black Alien Nanny Agency Science Fiction
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025