Alien Ruler Needs a Nanny (Alien Nanny Agency 3) - Page 60


Yasmine was almost to her rooms when she heard Pia sobbing in her own bedroom for the second time that day.

She paused in front of the little girl’s door, paralyzed with indecision.

On the one hand, the Ruler would be furious if she spent another minute with his daughter. And besides, Yasmine was crying pretty hard herself, and she didn’t want to frighten the little one.

But ultimately, the tiny sounds of misery were too much for her. She wiped her face as best she could, and stepped inside.

Slaite must have done exactly as Kreed said and simply brought the child to her room, but not stayed with her or comforted her. Pia was alone.

As usual, she was hiding, but only halfheartedly. Her feet sticking out of her closet gave her away.

“Pia,” Yasmine said softly.

“You’re going to leave,” Pia wailed.

She couldn’t argue with that.

“It isn’t my choice, Pia,” she said carefully. “I made a really big mistake, and your dad can’t let me stay.”

“It’s my fault,” Pia whimpered.

“Of course it’s not your fault,” Yasmine told her.

“You don’t like me anymore,” Pia whispered. “You got in trouble because of me, and now you don’t want to be my nanny.”

“Come here,” Yasmine said gently. “Please.”

A moment later, the little feet slid into the closet, and then Pia shuffled out, her small face tearstained.

“Can I take off your circlet?” Yasmine ventured. “Just for a minute?”

Pia’s eyes went wide.

“I want you to know how I feel about you,” Yasmine said. “Before I go. I need you to know.”

Pia nodded her head.

Yasmine reached out and very carefully slid the circlet from Pia’s forehead.

Pia looked into Yasmine’s eyes in question.

Yasmine nodded.

Pia leaned down and touched her forehead to Yasmine’s.

Yasmine thought about playing hide and seek with Pia, and the sound of her laughter, and how nice she was to all the people who worked in the palace. She thought about dipping their feet in the fountain and reading bedtimes stories.

“You do care about me,” Pia said, pulling back with a smile on her face.

“Of course I do,” Yasmine said. “And your next nanny will, too. I’m sure of it. But I will never forget how lucky I was to be with you for a little while.”

Pia flung her arms around Yasmine’s neck and squeezed her like she would never let her go.

“I have to run and pack before anyone catches me here,” Yasmine told Pia. “We can’t let them think I’m trying to pack you up and take you with me too.”

Pia didn’t laugh at her weak joke, but she did reluctantly let go.

Tags: Tasha Black Alien Nanny Agency Science Fiction
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025