Alien Ruler Needs a Nanny (Alien Nanny Agency 3) - Page 95

The girls instantly began chasing each other, while Yasmine let her imagination run wild.

Was Jax really going to tell his dad he didn’t want to play ball anymore? She thought maybe it really was the perfect time after all.

Her dream was that these days of listening to strangers with empathy had been the introduction to listening to his son the Ruler needed. Kreed demanded a lot from himself. But maybe he wouldn’t demand that Jax spend his time doing something he didn’t enjoy.

A few minutes later, Jax and his father reappeared. She couldn’t read their expressions, but both seemed serious. Had he really shot down the boy’s ideas so fast?

“The two of us are going to head back right away,” Kreed told Yasmine. “Pia’s having fun, and the mayor would like to chat with you before you go. She’s invited you and Pia to lunch with her and Calipha. Why don’t I send Khall back for you, Pia, and Thomm later this afternoon?”

“Really?” Yasmine asked.

Kreed nodded.

For a moment he gazed into her eyes as if he were trying to read something there. Was he mad at her for encouraging Jax to speak his mind?

“Yes, that sounds nice,” she said, feeling oddly overwhelmed under his intense scrutiny.

“Excellent,” he said. “Come on, Jax, let’s head back.”

If they were leaving now, it must be so Jax could make his game. So whatever had gone down between them hadn’t changed much.

She tried to catch Jax’s eye, but he had his hands shoved in his pockets and was looking down at his feet as usual.

“Miss Hall,” the mayor called to her from across the green.

“See you at home,” Kreed intoned as she turned away.


Tags: Tasha Black Alien Nanny Agency Science Fiction
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025