Alien Ruler Needs a Nanny (Alien Nanny Agency 3) - Page 97

He smiled and nodded.

To her credit, she looked to her father next, raising her eyebrows to ask his permission.

“It’s okay with me as long as you come out when we call you,” he said. “Deal?”

“Deal,” she exclaimed. “You be it, Jax.”

“Okay, but let’s start in the main hall,” her brother laughed.

Yasmine felt a bone-deep pride at the way Jax’s happiness spilled over immediately into generosity with his little sister. He was a great kid. She was glad he was going to feel more comfortable being himself from now on.

The two ran off to play, leaving Yasmine alone with the Ruler. He showed her some of the details of the mural, and then got silent for a few minutes, like he was pondering something important. She was just about to ask him what he was thinking about, when he spoke.

“You’re a great influence on him,” Kreed said softly. “On both of them.”

“What you did for him today,” Yasmine said, turning to him. “You’ll never know how much that means to him.”

“I think I have some idea,” Kreed said. “I haven’t seen him like this in a long time. Too long. And it’s really thanks to you. He told me that you encouraged him to talk to me.”

“I had faith you would help him choose the right path,” she said.

“And now I’m inspired to have another important conversation,” Kreed said, his voice deep with meaning.

Her comms went off before he could continue. She swiped them off and looked up into his beautiful cerulean eyes.

“Yasmine,” he began.

Her comms went off a second time.

“Maybe you should check that,” he suggested.

“It’s probably the agency,” she said, swiping them off again. “They can wait.”

But the alert sounded again immediately.

“I’m going to take it,” she said, her heart thundering as she walked into the corridor.

She lifted her wrist and swiped to accept.

“Give me Ruler Kreed,” a strange voice rasped.

“Hello?” she said.

“Ruler Kreed,” the voice repeated angrily.

“It’s… for you,” she said, walking back in and holding up her wrist to the Ruler.

“This is Ruler Kreed,” he said in a firm clear voice. “With whom am I speaking?”

“I’ve got your kids,” the voice rasped.

“That’s ridiculous,” Kreed laughed. “They’re here in the palace with me.”

“They’re in the west wing,” the voice said. “With me.”

Yasmine’s heart dropped to her stomach as she realized she couldn’t hear the children’s laughter in the corridors anymore.

“I’ve set up perimeter sensors,” the caller went on. “So if any of your security staff sets foot in this wing I’ll know it, and it won’t be good for your children. You have two minutes to get your ass in here.”

The call went dead before they could ask him anything.

Tags: Tasha Black Alien Nanny Agency Science Fiction
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025