Alien Ruler Needs a Nanny (Alien Nanny Agency 3) - Page 101


Yasmine sat on the family room floating sofa a little while later, feeling almost faint with relief and gratitude.

Kreed was beside her, sitting forward, his elbows resting on his knees, looking deep in thought.

Pia and Jax had curled up on the loveseat opposite the sofa, looking a little rattled but none the worse for wear.

“You did such a good job shoving and hiding, guys,” she told them. “I was really afraid you wouldn’t understand what I was trying to say. A lot of people would have been too panicked. But you two are very cool under pressure.”

“Is that what happened?” Kreed asked, looking up. “You guys were communicating with each other during all that?”

“Your kids are quicker at picking up a coded message than most of my old buddies in the service,” she told him. “You should be proud.”

The kids looked delighted.

And Yasmine realized it was the first time she had voluntarily brought up her service in conversation since she had left it.

“Okay, clear out,” Mrs. Slaite announced as she marched in. “I want no one here that wasn’t involved. “That means only the family, the nanny and Thomm.”

“But, my drone was instrumental—” the reporter began.

“Tommen,” Kreed interrupted.

Yasmine waited for the Ruler to send the journalist away in shame.

“You can stay,” the Ruler went on. “And you can record if you want, but you can’t leave the premises with any footage not approved by Mrs. Slaite. Does that sound fair?”

“Very fair, My Ruler,” Tommen said, bowing deeply.

Yasmine smiled, glad that the journalist and leader were finding some common ground.

“Okay, let’s take it nice and slowly,” Mrs. Slaite said. “You received a call from Jenx?”

“He called Yasmine’s comms and asked for me. After I answered, he told me he had the kids, and to meet him in the west wing without security,” Kreed said.

“But you brought Miss Hall,” Mrs. Slaite said.

“Yes,” he admitted. “She felt her skills might be useful.”

A tiny half smile curled up the corners of Slaite’s mouth, as if she were saying I told you so in her mind.

“Then what?” she asked.

“Jenx was there,” Kreed said. “He had the kids and a blaster. He made us follow him into another room.”

“That room faced the rear lawn,” Mrs. Slaite suggested. “Correct?”

“Correct,” Kreed said.

“And what happened in the room?” she asked.

“I think maybe Yasmine had better take it from here,” he said, smiling ruefully.

Mrs. Slaite turned to Yasmine, and she realized all eyes were on her, including the eye of Tommen’s camera drone.

“The children were frightened but alert,” Yasmine said carefully. “I pretended to speak to Jenx, but was secretly asking the children to shove him into some debris on the floor, and then run and hide.”

“And did they obey?” Mrs. Slaite asked.

Tags: Tasha Black Alien Nanny Agency Science Fiction
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025