Alien Ruler Needs a Nanny (Alien Nanny Agency 3) - Page 104


Ba’sh finally hung up on his final comm of the evening and slipped his bracelet off his wrist.

“Keep an eye on this?” he asked Mrs. Slaite, who sat in a high-backed chair in the corner of his study since they had returned home, as if she couldn’t bear to leave his side.

The tough as nails Head of Affairs cared about him, even if she hid it behind a stern facade of professionalism.

“You’re a world leader,” she said.

“And I trust you,” he told her. “Find me immediately if there’s anything I need to see.”

“You got in real trouble once today by trusting the wrong person,” she scoffed.

“You’re not the wrong person, Madge,” he told her gently. “And as usual, you were right about everything, including the hiring. I should have listened to you and been much more careful.”

She merely cleared her throat and nodded once, but he knew he’d gotten through to her when he saw her eyes were damp, as if with unshed tears.

“Thank you for all you do for us,” he told her, clapping her on the shoulder before heading out.

“Don’t screw it up with the girl,” she yelled after him. “She’s a keeper.”

He chuckled and gave her a wave before heading down the hallway.

He and Yasmine had read Pia her story together earlier tonight. By now, Jax would be in bed too.

His heart thundered as he thought about what would happen next.

But when he reached his room, Yasmine was nowhere to be found.

He headed down the hall to check hers. The door was closed, so he knocked.

“Come in,” her soft voice said.

He opened the door and stepped inside, inhaling the sweet scent of her shampoo, which had permeated the room.

Yasmine herself sat on the edge of the bed with her head in her hands.

“Yasmine,” he said, his voice filled with concern. “What’s wrong?”

“Are we moving too fast?” she asked him, a wave of apprehension rolling off her.

“No,” he said immediately.

“How do you know?” she asked, stealing a glance at him. “We’re not even dating. How can you ask me to marry you?”

He could see the tears in her eyes. They tugged at his heartstrings.

“Because I know,” he said gently. “Just like I know the suns will rise in the morning.”

She began to smile, then bit her lip.

“You live in the spotlight,” she said. “If you change your mind about me, it could hurt your career.”

“Yasmine, my love,” he said, moving to her slowly, “we have faced death together. The worst thing that could possibly happen, happened tonight. And we got through it, as a team. That’s when I realized I never wanted you to leave my side again.”

She nodded, her eyes still shimmering with unshed tears.

Then it hit him.

Tags: Tasha Black Alien Nanny Agency Science Fiction
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025