Daddy's Reluctant Little (Wounded Daddies 3) - Page 16

Chapter Nine


“Now, I want you to stay right where you are and think about things,” Carl said. He reached forward and took my hands, bringing them together in front of me so they rested on my knees. “I’ll be back shortly and I’d better find you exactly as I left you.”

“Yes, Daddy,” I breathed out in a trembling voice.

The whole situation felt shocking for so many reasons! First, of course, my ass hurt like hell. I couldn’t imagine sitting down any time soon. Heck, I couldn’t even imagine walking. I knelt there on the floor, stunned by what had just happened. I had to position myself so my ass cheeks didn’t touch my heels, because any contact hurt like a son of a gun.


God, I’d been spanked!

I hadn’t been spanked since I was a little girl.

Wait . . . That was the point. I was a little girl. That was the overpowering and absolute fact of the moment. I’d decided to be Carl’s little girl, the moment he’d given me the option to call him Sir or Daddy. Who the hell knew what might have happened if I had chosen Sir, but I chose Daddy. When I did, I knew I was choosing to be his Little.

That might have been the most shocking thing of all. Although the spanking hurt like hell, I felt better than I’d felt in as long as I could remember. I felt almost cleansed, fresh, and new. I’d been punishing myself for so long, and now it felt as if the punishment was over. Most importantly, if Carl administered the punishment, I would never have to punish myself again.

God! I had never felt so free, so completely liberated in my life.

If anyone would have suggested the key to my getting my life in order was a man who would spank me, I would have thought that person was crazy, utterly crazy. I thought back to all of my idiotic decisions, and how I’d been willing to do anything to get myself out of the trouble I’d caused. In a strange way, I was grateful I’d been pushed to the point, where I almost slept with my landlord. I was grateful I’d sent nudes to creditors and grateful I’d done more.

It had all brought me to Carl, and now Carl would take care of me, and make sure I took care of myself.

I couldn’t really understand how in the world I was so damned happy, even though the first way Carl decided to take care of me was with a spanking from which it would take me a long time to recover. I also couldn’t understand how I was almost looking forward to the next time.

After he returned, he sat in front of me and tenderly caressed my cheek.

“Are you really willing to be my little girl? To let me guide you and care for you? To let me protect you?”

“Oh, God!” I cried. “Yes, Daddy! Yes!”

I started crying again, and this time the tears not only cleansed me from all the indecision and fear but they centered me and took away the need to deceive or pretend. This time, the tears also brought relief and hope with them. In an instant, his arms were around me and even though I didn’t know how the position changed, I ended up straddling him, crying against his neck as he held me on the couch.

I don’t know how long I cried, but at some point I realized I wasn’t crying at all. Instead I was just resting silently against his shoulder and his hand was stroking my hair and back softly. I realized with a bit of shock that I was still completely naked and he had spanked me, but hadn’t attempted anything sexual. I lifted my head and kissed him.

He gently pulled me away. “Are you kissing me because you want to or because you think you have to?”

“I want to, Carl,” I said. “I want to, Daddy.”

He lifted me up suddenly and turned me over. I gasped and then said, “Oh, yes, Daddy!” as he spread my legs. Without hesitation, his mouth found me, his tongue thrusting into me as his hands moved over my legs. “Oh! Oh, God!”

He was remarkable with his mouth. Nobody had ever gone down on me before and I just didn’t know what I’d been missing until his mouth got to work. It felt amazing, beyond amazing. His tongue moved powerfully and forcefully, but then would slow or grow soft with a nice, light touch that had me absolutely desperate for more. I didn’t know how to handle any of it, but I knew it felt completely perfect.

I moaned and cried out, “Yes, Daddy!”

When his hands moved to my breasts, I noticed he’d occupied them before that by getting his pants off. I stared at his body, naked from the waist down, and sighed and then moaned as he directed his attention to my clit. Now, the sensations that had already felt powerful and intense felt twice as good, impossibly good.

I moaned and tried to say, “Yes, Daddy,” again but I couldn’t come up with coherent words. Then, my orgasm hit. I cried out as my body jerked and seized up. The feeling, the power and the overwhelming loss of control all worked together as sensation flooded my body and left me paralyzed like some kind of impossible pleasure balloon filled to bursting. I managed a hoarse, “Oh Carl. Oh, Daddy!”

Suddenly, he was atop me and he slipped into me. The weight of him above me felt wonderful and the feel of his shaft moving inside of me felt better than wonderful. I couldn’t understand how it could be so good and as I held onto his shoulders, I wrapped my legs around him and moved faster, desperately wanting him to climax with as much power and pleasure as my climax ha d given me.

He moved faster and harder and when he came, my orgasm seemed to explode even harder, until I felt as if my body was nothing but a receptacle for pleasure. I felt as if my body disintegrated beneath him, shattering into nothing but sensation before re-forming again. He moved faster and then stilled, and I held him as my orgasm kept raging.

When he finally pulled out, he sat up and pulled me onto his lap as he had the first night. I held on to him tightly, and I wept again, but this time I wept happy tears. Throughout them, I told him he was wonderful and that I loved him and I needed him. He pulled me back and studied my face.

He smiled softly and said, “I love you, too.” I felt overwhelmed with emotion. He kissed me gently and then pulled back again and said, “No more misbehaving, little girl.”

I nodded and couldn’t help smiling as I said, “Yes, Daddy.”

Tags: Scott Wylder Wounded Daddies Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025