Daddy's Careless Little (Wounded Daddies 4) - Page 7

Chapter Five


My heart beats like crazy for a million and a half reasons, and that is strange to me because one of the reasons is just that I’m home after my shift and there is a man at my door. The other million, four-hundred ninety-nine thousand nine-hundred and ninety-nine reasons are that the man at my door is Leo.

It is so strange to think of him as… well, as a man.

Oh, certainly I am aware of his masculinity. That is nothing new at all. Nonetheless, as I step inside and turn, I so desperately want him to make a pass at me I can’t find anything to say. That is completely new, and strange as hell. I have known him for years. I also know he knows I want him to be my Daddy, and that’s overpowering. He said we would talk but we haven’t yet, which means he’s…?

The thoughts disappear as he growls, “I think we should see if it works, little girl.”

I breathe out, “Oh, God, Daddy,” and then his arms are around me and his mouth is on mine. I can feel his beautiful soft beard against my chin and his tongue slips into my mouth. I melt against his kiss, and for the first time in a very long time, I feel safe and protected in the arms of a man.

Not just any man.

I feel safe and protected in Leo’s arms, and it feels beyond anything I’ve experienced. Little space washes into my front room, bathing me in safety, excitement, comfort, and joy. It has been so long since I’ve been able to get there! I have no idea if I will have Leo tomorrow. But for now, I have a Daddy and he is kissing me, and the kiss is breathtaking.

His hands move down to the small of my back and he pulls me close. I feel helpless in his embrace, the best kind of helplessness there is. The kind of helplessness that isn’t frightening or uncomfortable, but instead just an indication that I do not have to rely on myself at the moment, the awareness that I may be lost in the ocean of a big world, but there is someone who will navigate the waters for me.

The kiss feels overpowering, and he somehow knows to make it last, which is beautiful and maddening all at once. By the time one hand moves down to take hold of my ass through my jeans and the other slides up under my shirt, directly to the clasp of my bra, I am so desperate for him it feels like I’ve been wandering in the desert and just now I see a glass of water being poured for me.

He makes short work of the bra clasp and in a moment, lifts my shirt up and off. Naturally, that requires us to break off the kiss, but by the time my bra and my shirt hit the floor, his mouth is back on mine and his hands move now over my bare skin. I want to help but his arms are around mine, almost pinning them to the side.

This is Leo’s show.

It is his show, and he directs it marvelously. Soon I am naked, and his hands move expertly over my body. I want to participate but it is almost as though everything he does impacts my ability to respond in any way other than to just experience what he does. It feels beyond breathtaking.

That thrills me, and continues to thrill me as his tongue explores my mouth and his hands make short work of the rest of my clothes. I am sure it just has to do with the distraction of his kiss, but it almost feels like his hands never stop stroking my back although there is no way I could be naked if they do not.

Nonetheless, I am naked!

I am naked and he is still fully clothed and that adds even more to the idea that I am helpless, and Leo is in complete control.

Complete control.

I have never felt that way with any of my boyfriends before, although I have desperately wanted that. Perhaps I have never fully given myself to them so I could experience it. All I know right now is I am naked, and he is in charge, and it feels absolutely breathtaking to me, beyond anything I could have imagined.

Everything I want!

He kisses me hard and then his hands move down to take hold of my ass cheeks. He lifts me to the bed and drops me on it roughly. I stare up at him and his eyes are filled with lust.

“Don’t move,” he growls. It may as well be the most romantic poetry in the world, because I sigh like a heroine in a cheesy melodrama and watch him undress.

He seems to undress slowly, purposefully extending the time it takes for me to be able to see him nude in front of me. Perhaps it isn’t on purpose at all, but I’m just so desperate for him. It doesn’t matter. One way or the other, it takes a great deal of restraint and the constantly memory of what he growled at me to keep from leaping up and yanking his clothes off faster.

Eventually, though, he stands naked in front of me, and I gasp because he is so much more incredible than I expected. His body is fit and muscular. He looks like he could break me in two! His cock is far larger than I expected as well, and it’s a little intimidating.

“Oh, Daddy,” I say. I don’t even plan to, but I can’t help myself. “I need you inside of me. Please!”

He smiles a knowing smile that leaves me breathless and instead leans down and buries his head between my legs. I gasp from the sudden contact. As his tongue explores my pussy I cry out, “Daddy! Oh God! God, yes!”

The impact is overwhelming, and I don’t understand how I can be instantly on the verge of orgasm. I am not the distracted Helen I usually am, either, because it is impossible to focus on anything other than the sensations coursing through me. His tongue explores my pussy and then focuses on my clit, and perhaps because of all the buildup over the last week, I scream and cum quickly.

The pleasure explodes over me and I shake uncontrollably as he moves up and eases into me. His weight above my body crushes me in a wonderful way, and I gasp and cry out again and again as he moves inside of me. My orgasm dwarfs those I’ve experienced over the last few years at my own hand, and perhaps is better than any prior climax.

I feel like I explode into millions of pieces time and time again.

When he finishes, I feel like the world has ended and begun anew.

He remains inside of me for quite a while, and when he finally withdraws, he rolls over and pulls me on top of him. He kisses me tenderly and says, “It’s time we talk about how all this will work, little girl.”

Tags: Scott Wylder Wounded Daddies Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025