Daddy's Careless Little (Wounded Daddies 4) - Page 8

Chapter Six


I stand behind the bar and watch her working her cute little ass off, handling more tables than anyone else while simultaneously managing the other servers.

There have been no other incidents, not even something small.

She has been the pinnacle of perfection.

It’s been six weeks, and I’m amazed at how naturally Helen and I fall into our roles. My days are filled with thoughts of her and that is a wonderful thing. She is eager and far more submissive than anyone I’ve met, certainly more submissive than my previous littles.

She wants desperately to change certain things about herself and opened up to me more almost every day. She tells me making her spend a half-hour in the corner before every shift is the single best thing for focus in her life. She still does it although the original time has passed. She tells me more than anything else it assured her I was the Daddy she needed.

Her words thrill me, but I still doubt myself, and I hate that I do. I see her blossom right in front of me; she’s wonderful, affectionate, and sweet. She is everything I want but I can’t shake the fear that she’s going to leave me. I hate that, but the fear is there whether I want it or not.

She is nothing like the girls I was with before, which makes my fear really stupid. Worse, I know the fear has everything to do with me and nothing at all to do with her. It turns out I’m pretty damned good at helping Helen deal with her insecurities but can’t deal with my own crap.

Thankfully, time with her is so enrapturing she remains unaware of any of my doubts. Carl, who knows me better than anyone, never misses an opportunity to tell me I need to get over it. He’s right, of course, but being right about it doesn’t make it any easier on me.

“She’s really kicking ass,” Rollie says.

It startles me a little because I didn’t even know she was there. She stands by the bar, holding her guitar. “She’s awesome,” I say.

Rollie smiles her awesome smile and says, “You two are the cutest Daddy and little girl in the world.”

Carl steps up to us and says, “Stop flirting with my girl, you jerk.”

We all laugh, and when she walks to the stage, Carl says, “Wanna do a double date after Rollie plays? This place will survive a night without the two of you.”

“Sure,” I say. A moment later, Helen comes by to make a drink order and I say, “I have a surprise for my little girl.”

She smiles so brightly, her face lighting up in the way I love. With laughter in her voice, she says, “What is it, Daddy?”

“When Rollie’s done singing, we’re going out with her and Carl, if you’d like.”

She brightens up even more, and I didn’t think that possible at all. She has a smile on her face as she leaves, and I have one as well.

I love this club. I love the employees and I love the people. Since Rollie arrived, the club has been known for her soulful voice and her remarkable performances. Ordinarily, it is the highlight of my night to watch her perform. Now, though, I just want her to hurry up and finish so I can take out my little girl.

When the last applause hits, I watch Rollie take Helen’s hand and the two of them rush off to the dressing room and Helen’s apartment. There’s something really wonderful about Helen having an apartment right here at the club, although I worry she ends up working too much on her days off. Still, I love watching her excitement.

I head into the office and Carl smiles at me. “You know, Helen was always a good employee but she’s a dynamo now.”

“She’s awesome.”

“You two are very good for each other.”

This is the point where I would ordinarily say something about how things won’t work out. I’m happy and confident, though, somewhere I never thought I would be. “She’s perfect, Carl. I don’t know how I missed it all these years.”

He smiles and pours me a drink. We sip from our glasses until a knock at the door announces the girls. They both look stunning, dressed casually but somehow free of the whole work look.

“You’re gorgeous, little Rollie Polly,” Carl says. It’s a new nickname and both Helen and I chuckle.

“And you look radiant, little girl,” I say. Helen’s blush is perfect.

We head out, waving our goodbyes to the staff and the regular customers and in short order, we’re all at a long wooden table waiting for the best steaks in the area.

“We have an announcement,” Carl says, as the waitress puts down appetizers and bread.

Tags: Scott Wylder Wounded Daddies Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025