Daddy's Second Chance Little (Wounded Daddies 6) - Page 5



It’s four months into the relationship with Jocelyn and I still feel as if I’m in some kind of paradise. It just doesn’t make sense yet, this complete reversal of fortunes in my life. I guess it comes as no real surprise to me to discover I never stopped loving her. Still, I can’t help but feel as if life is almost magical and new.

Leo, Carl, Rollie, and Helen are back now. Rollie will do a few shows a week at the club, and it will be nice to hear her soulful, bluesy music again. This is especially so, because Vanessa, who took over while Rollie was on tour, won’t be leaving us, but will still handle the entertainment five nights a week. Vanessa is my boss’s little girl, and Micah helps me understand what it takes to be the Daddy I need to be for Jocelyn.

I’ve asked him to dinner tonight, to get his advice. My relationship with Josie has been wonderful and I certainly don’t have any complaints. However, up until to this point, it’s consisted mostly of dating and sex. Not that I have any complaints about the sex. I’ve had sex with a number of different women, and while some of those women were very talented, none of them compare to Josie. From the first time in her house, through every time since then, she’s by far the best I’ve ever experienced. She’s like a damned magician with her body and I enjoy every inch of it.

I have no complaints about the dates either. I’ve taken her to see kids’ movies and bought her ice cream. Sometimes we’ll go to the park for a picnic. Sometimes we’ll stay in and just hang out on my couch watching TV, content simply to be in each other’s presence. It feels just how I always imagined having a girlfriend would feel.

It’s not enough, though. I know being a Daddy is about more than sex and spoiling your little girl. My responsibility, as Josie’s Daddy, is to help her grow into the person she wants to be. I need to start setting rules and guidelines and holding her accountable to them. The problem is I don’t know where to start. Josie has her own home and her own business. She has a college degree and a good head on her shoulders. As far as I can see, there is nothing wrong with her life at all; nothing that would require a Daddy’s help to fix.

She’s not entirely happy, though. I can see that, but I can’t figure out why. I think that if I can figure out what’s preventing her from being completely happy, I can provide some of the guidance a Daddy’s supposed to offer. So, I invite Micah for steak and tell him about my problem, and ask if he can help me.

He nods and sips his beer then says, “Have you asked her what she wants you to help her with?”

I stare blankly at him. Ask her? Because asking her what she needs might lead to findingout what she needs.

Micah notices my expression and chuckles. “That’s a mistake a lot of new Daddies make. There’s this belief that not only do you have to help your little girl with her life but you also have to understand magically how to do it. That you do all the work with no input or help from your little girl.”

I grin sheepishly. “I guess I’ve just been so worried about making sure I was doing the right things, it slipped my mind that I could just talk to her about it.”

Micah looked knowingly at me. “Is that all you’re worried about?”

I take a deep breath. “No.” I tell him briefly about our first relationship and my fear she’ll leave me high and dry again.

He listens sympathetically and when I’m finished, he responds gently, “You know that’s bullshit, though, right?”

I’m taken aback at first, but almost immediately realize he’s probably right. We were kids back then. Literally. We’re adults now and our relationship is more than just making out and fumbling around in the backseat of my parent’s car. I’m not the same boy I was ten years ago and she isn’t the same girl. Being hesitant to take our relationship to the next step, out of fear that Josie might leave me as she did when we just eighteen, is silly almost to the point of absurdity.

“I guess you’re right,” I say, chuckling.

“You don’t guess anything. You know I’m right,” he replies. “Now about Josie; yes, for Heaven’s sake, ask her what she’d like you to help her with. If she trusts you, she’ll tell you. If she doesn’t, then that’s the first problem you have to fix.”

I nod and then sigh. “You make everything sound so easy.”

“Giving advice is always easy,” he says. “That’s why I love doing it. I get to sound much smarter and more confident than I actually am.”

We finish dinner and I leave Micah with a promise to see him at his house next weekend for a barbecue. I shoot Josie a quick text asking to come over. She responds in the affirmative almost immediately and I drive to her house.

I knock on the door and she calls, “Come in.”

I do and gasp. She is standing in the middle of her living room completely naked, except for a pair of thin nylon stockings that stop just below the top of her thighs. My cock is instantly hard and she giggles. She walks over to me, swaying her hips seductively.

“Do you like my outfit, Daddy?” she asks.

“I do,” I reply. “Very much.”

She grins and reaches her hand forward, grasping the bulge in my pants. “Ooh,” she says, her eyes widening. “You do like it.” She lowers herself to her knees and begins undoing my belt. But, a momentary surge of willpower allows me to push her away.

“Wait,” I say.

She looks at me questioningly. “Before we do anything, I want to talk to you about something.”

She looks confused and a little worried. “Okay, Daddy.”

I take her hand and lift her to her feet, before guiding her to her couch. On the way over, her ass sways just as enticingly as her hips and I have to fight extraordinarily hard to keep from grabbing her and slamming into her right there in the living room.

Tags: Scott Wylder Wounded Daddies Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025