Daddy's Second Chance Little (Wounded Daddies 6) - Page 6

I sit her down on the couch and take her hands in mine. “Are you my little girl, Josie?”

“I am,” she says immediately. “I’m all yours, Daddy.”

I lift a hand and gently caress her face. “Good. I need to ask you something.”

“What, Daddy?”

“You know that being your Daddy means more than just taking you out for ice cream and having amazing, incredibly-satisfying sex with your perfect little body, right?” God damn, I am horny.

She giggles and arches her back slightly so her breasts are thrust up. Her nipples are as erect as my cock and point up like bullets. “I know,” she says.

“It means I help protect you and care for you. Part of protecting and caring for you is helping you to become the person you really want to be.”

She sits up straighter and her expression becomes more serious. “Yes, Daddy, I know that.”

“Well, that’s what I want to talk to you about. I want you to tell me what you want me to help you with and we’ll work together to create some rules you can follow that will help you. So, what do you want help with, Princess?”

She doesn’t say anything for a moment.

Then, she heaves a big sigh and says, “Okay, Daddy. I need to show you something.”

Tags: Scott Wylder Wounded Daddies Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025