Wicked Liar (Dark Syndicate 3) - Page 75

“If no one has questions, let’s get ready.I need numbers one to five to be ready to go on stage in five minutes, so do your last minute preps now.” She claps her hands in delight.

The women in front of me start fixing themselves.Number One takes her hair down.Number two takes off her bra so she can show off her breasts more and wraps her long black hair into a bun so she can show off the back of her dress and her ass.Number five pushes up her breasts in her push-up bra so she can draw attention to her deep cleavage.

Gigi, however, casts me another dirty look and I just stare back at her.Neither of us has anything to fix.

“Okay, let’s go,” Cynthia calls out and we follow her.

We go up a set of stairs that lead onto the stage.From where we stand we can see the hall filled to the brim with men in the first few rows of seats, all have bidding paddles.

The rest of the seats to the back are taken up by men and women who are just here to support the event and enjoy socializing at the after-party.

I can see Helen in the back row, but she can’t see me.Then I see Jacques. He’s in the front row and he’s looking straight at me.

A nervous shiver skates down my spine and skids to a stop as those eyes of his take me in with desire.Victory attempts to push its way through my nerves because I have his attention again, but there’s also a cold, dark edge to him that reminds me of a snake.I remember what he said to me, and how I'd have to use my mouth to get what I want.

I'm grateful when Cynthia's voice opening the auction severs our stare.

Tags: Faith Summers Dark Syndicate Dark
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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