Ruthless King (Dark Syndicate 6) - Page 138


I’ve been in an out of consciousness for what could be days, or maybe just hours.

I have no idea.

I know I’m in the hospital and I’ve been shot.

Thiago shot me. I remember feeling the sharp pierce of the bullet ravage my body before feeling doom.

When I heard Alejandro talking to him, I came out of my hiding place.

I don’t know where Thiago was, but I knew he had the advantage because he could see Alejandro. I also knew I had an advantage because he couldn’t see me.

I saw when he left the station with cameras and when he walked back into the maze, getting ready to kill Alejandro.

I knew what was going to happen and couldn’t allow it, so I jumped and threw myself into Alejandro with all my might.

Any normal person would have fallen over, but all I managed was to make him stumble because he’s so big.

But it did the job.

Now I’m stuck in this phase of asleep and awake.

At one point, there were doctors surrounding me, then I fell into a sleep so deep I thought I was dead.

I woke to bright lights, and when my eyes adjusted, there were nurses and a clock on the wall that seemed to be playing with me.

Every time I open my eyes, the hours seem to either move along or stay the same. Like a game of confusion.

After one of those rounds of closing and opening my eyes, I saw him—Alejandro.

His face was there. Then it was always there, and he always wore the same expression of gratitude.

Like now. I think it’s a different day because his clothes have changed.

He’s holding my hand and saying something to me, but I can’t hear him.

The next time I see him, I know the day must have changed again and I must have fallen into that deep sleep because Mia is in his arms.

I can hear them a bit clearer now, but I’m still so tired.

“I’m here,” he’s saying to me, and Mia is clapping.

“Lucia loves baby girl,” she says.

“Yes, I do.” I mumble and drift away again. Although I don’t want to.

I want to get up and hold her, and him too. I want them both.

I drift away with that thought, and the faces all blend into one. I see Dad, Mom, and Tommy, and I know I’m dreaming.

When I wake again, Alejandro is back. He’s wearing a black shirt this time, and it’s dark outside the window. There’s no one else in here with us. Just us.

He smiles down at me, and although my mind is still groggy, I don’t have the urge to fall asleep again.

I try to get up, but he stops me.

“No, don’t move. You need to stay right there,” he says. His voice sounds so soothing and lighter than I remember. All the tension and strain are gone, and I feel like I’m meeting the real him for the first time.

Tags: Faith Summers Dark Syndicate Dark
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025