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Teaching the Alien

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One year later

Maria stares at me as I fasten the intricate buckles of her harness.

“Why does absolutely everything that’s Hedian come with all these buckles?” She’s amused. Some of our customs are ridiculous to her, just as I find things on earth hilarious at times.

“The first Hedian/humans couldn’t agree on fastenings. I believe that the buckle was the compromise after many arguments. And through the generations it’s taken on more importance. Plus, it’s a way of showing off if you can do them up quickly.” I smile down at her. She looks cute in her silver suit.

I kiss her slowly, moving my body against hers.

“No fair, T’zak. I’m restrained.” She giggles.

“Are you excited?” I do up the last strap and check its tightness.

“I am equal parts excited and terrified.” Her eyes are bright. “At least we know Callie will be in safe hands now Mom and Dad are back.”

I smile, thinking of her parents back at home. The Council passed a new law which allows free movement between our planets, so her Mom was free to come back. Her father chose to return, and Maria has blossomed with them around. At our wedding, her father walked her down the aisle and he was so proud it brought a tear to my eye. I wished my own parents were still alive to see our joy.

She’s also been busy making a documentary to show her own perspective of life on earth to the Hedian elders. She says it will be an art piece for humans, but for Hedians it will be informative.

I have been busy on an undercover mission for the Hedian government, coming home to Maria every day in our little apartment. I can’t get enough of her curvy body and she wants me the same way. Sometimes I have to force myself to go out the door because all I want is to be with her.

She looks down at her rounded belly. “Are you absolutely sure this is safe?”

I nod. “You are half-Hedian. Our ships are designed to transport very ill and elderly people great distances. In fact, it is good for our baby to experience this while she is inside you and growing.”

She smiles. “Okay, I trust you. I’m just glad the morning sickness phase isn’t so bad now.”

“I would never do anything that endangered you or our baby. I want you to see Hedian for yourself, so we can talk about it to our baby girl when she gets here.” I buckle my own harness and move my hand to the control panel.

“Are you ready?” I ask and Maria nods.

My ship rises from the underground bunker where it’s been hidden and up into the night sky.

“It’s so smooth!” Maria’s voice is delighted. We soar up through the stars, my love and I, back to the place where I came from.

We rise higher and higher, gaining speed once we leave the earth’s atmosphere. I’m going back to Hedian, with my wife and unborn child, and it feels exactly right.

I have found my place in the universe.

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