Golden Chances (Borrowed Brides 1) - Page 36

He shifted his weight away from her and noisily cleared his throat. “What do I need to know?” He directed his question at David, then settled back against his seat and proceeded to ignore the woman next to him.

He focused his gaze on his cousin and seemed to listen intently to David’s summary of the Darcy bill, but his mind was not on politics. Reese Jordan’s sole concern was keeping his body under control while the tantalizing scent of lavender soap conjured up erotic visions of bath tubs and wet, slippery, skin.

The journey to Senator Darcy’s home was mercifully brief. Reese wasn’t sure he could have handled an additional mile. He alighted from the coach before it had rolled to a stop and stood waiting for David to assist Faith. He was just about to ask David to escort her inside when his cousin took the matter out of his hands. With one stern look at Reese, David excused himself to join a fellow attorney and his wife.

Reese reluctantly offered Faith his elbow. “Shall we?” he said from behind clenched teeth.

Faith placed her gloved hand on his arm and allowed him to lead her up the steps and into the house.

The senator’s butler met them at the door.


sp; Reese deposited the engraved invitation in the butler’s hand. “Mr. Reese Jordan,” the man announced, “and…?”

“What was your husband’s name?” Reese hissed, waiting impatiently for Faith to answer.

Faith didn’t hear him. She was too busy absorbing the sights and sounds in the mansion. She was enchanted by the presence of uniformed maids and waiters carrying trays of drinks. “Champagne,” she whispered, in awe.

Reese turned to look at her. “Champagne?”

“Yes.” She nodded for emphasis. She’d never had champagne and couldn’t wait to try it.

Reese whispered a reply to the butler.

“Mr. Reese Jordan and Mrs. Champ Collins.”

Faith frowned at him, puzzled. Mrs. Champ Collins?

They moved forward. Faith turned her back to Reese, unfastened her cape, and handed it to a waiting maid. Reese had relinquished his hat and coat. He turned to Faith and touched her elbow.

She turned to face him.

The burgundy silk dress fit her like a second skin. It molded the curves of her body, thrusting her hips and breasts into prominence. He liked it because it had none of the flounces, bows, and jet beads currently in vogue. It had been simply made—simply made to torture him, he thought, as he attempted to focus his gaze on something other than her silver-edged décolletage. The neckline was modest compared to some he’d seen, but his height gave him a unique vantage point. It was almost impossible for him to look down at her and not feast on an enticing display.

Reese swallowed hard. Perspiration dotted his upper lip. His body was suddenly hot. He needed a drink. Hell, he needed several!

Gripping Faith’s elbow, Reese led her further into the room where he promptly lifted two glasses of champagne from a passing tray.

“How thoughtful—” Faith began.

He drank them both, then placed the empty glasses on a table. He made the mistake of looking down at his companion when she spoke. He quickly acquired two more glasses of champagne and this time, he downed his in one gulp and handed the second glass to Faith.

“You must be thirsty.” She followed his lead and gulped at the wine, choking when the bubbles tickled her throat.

He grunted a reply.

She managed another swallow of champagne before he removed her glass from her hand. He placed it on a tray alongside his own, then led her across the room to where David stood conversing with another couple.

Reese released her with a terse, “I’m going to talk to the senator.”

“But…” she sputtered, embarrassed and bewildered by his rudeness.

Reese left her standing next to his cousin and hurriedly stalked away.

David introduced Faith to his friends. They exchanged pleasantries until the orchestra began to play.

“Would you care to dance?” David asked.

Tags: Rebecca Hagan Lee Borrowed Brides Historical
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024