this morning and my agreeing to watch Tildy until dinner,
even though I have this meeting. I figured that if Steph didn’t
mind once, she might not mind a second time. Tildy is usually
pretty well behaved and quite charming. I know that Steph
likes kids, so I helped Mom out. She had pulled the whole I
need a morning for myself, this is my special time, it will take
me a month to rebook routine.
Which is okay too, because she’s right. Everyone does
need a break once in a while and it probably does take her a
month to rebook because she goes to some obscenely
expensive, fancy hair place.
“I know for a fact that this place has shakes and floats.
I looked up the menu online last night. If we hurry, I’ll let you
have one.”
“Really?” Tildy would nominate me for auntie of the
year award in a second.
Feeding a child lattes and triple thick milkshakes. Look
at me go.
“Yes. Whatever flavor you want, and there are a ton of
“Holy moly,” Tildy says excitedly. She reaches for my
hand, just about yanks it off, and takes the lead.
We’re not far from the diner. I don’t know if it can
really be called a diner or if it’s more of a family restaurant. It
doesn’t have that retro look. No vinyl booths or red tables, no
pie on the counter, or anything. There is a big glass display
case at the front with all different desserts though, including
pie, so maybe that counts. The tables are pretty standard
restaurant fair with pink and green plush chairs as well as pink
booths at the back. The carpet is low pile and has that