“I-I guess finding out your own motivation and reasons
are good,” I stammer out lamely. “I mean, I guess if you’re not
really into it, then no match is going to be right, no matter how
perfect the fit is.”
“I’m scared that’s the problem. Maybe I should just
take a few days and do some soul searching, as much as I hate
that term. Make sure that I’m really into this.”
“If I decide not to continue, I’ll make sure your boss
knows how happy I was with everything, especially the
matches and all the work you’ve done for me.”
“Yes! It’s hardly your fault if I decide that I want to
just stay single for the moment.”
I bite down on the inside of my cheek to keep from
blurting that I’m sure my boss would see it as being my fault,
that I’d somehow given Steph matches so bad that I’d driven
her to it, but I don’t let that out. That sounds full of self-pity
and I don’t want to go there.
If I lose my job, there are other things out there. Take
this place. Maybe they’re hiring. They probably give a free
meal as part of the employee bonus. I wouldn’t mind that. It
would cut down on grocery bills. And the customers here are
probably fine. It seems like a good place full of regulars. At
least I wouldn’t have the title of wench, even if I was a server.
Then there’s tips. Tips are a good thing. I don’t make any tips
Yeah. Maybe a new job wouldn’t be the worst thing in
the world. I could apply for something corporate, something in