Love Off Limits: A Lesbian Mother's Best Friend Romance - Page 8

“About being a lesbian? No. He never would have thought it. About everything else under the sun? Yes.”

“What a steaming turd.”

Scarlet choked on a laugh. “Ahh, yes, a steaming turd. I haven’t heard that in a while. It’s really good having you back home, even if the circumstances weren’t what your mom or I would have chosen for you. I’m glad you can be back for your mom’s party.”

“The party. Yes,” Neera sighed. “I still don’t have anything to wear for it.”

What she really wanted to ask Scarlet was if she actually did think that she might be a lesbian, but of course, she didn’t. That was personal, and the question would be rude. Neera didn’t want to pry.

And what would she say after? Oh wow, that’s freaking amazing because I’ve had fantasies about you since I was sixteen? I’ve wanted you since I basically knew how to want someone? I’ve thought about you endlessly for years? Yes, I was in a relationship, and I was happy, but it always felt like there was something missing, something empty inside of me and maybe that’s the real reason things went stale?

Ummm, no. Just no.

It was better not to talk about it. Safer. Especially after what Bryan said. He was just being a jerk, but he’d hit really close to the truth. Well, not the truth, but maybe what Neera wished in her wildest dreams and darkest fantasies could be the truth.

“Oh!” Scarlet exclaimed, and for a second Neera was panicked that maybe she’d slipped up and let something show, or even worse, muttered something out loud. “I totally forgot. I ordered something for you last week when Elodie mentioned you’d be back for the New Year’s party. I wasn’t sure if it would come on time, but it was in one of those boxes that that came this morning.”

“Seriously?” Neera was amazed. She very much wanted to see what Scarlet would have picked out and ordered for her. “I— I can’t really afford it, but thank you for thinking of me. That was, just— thank you.”

“It’s free,” Scarlet assured her. “Your mom and I don’t do Christmas gifts, and she wanted me to keep my promise that I wouldn’t do gifts with you either. We like to save our money for experiences, and that’s what she always wanted for you, but think of it as a gift. And as a work bonus.”

“I really shouldn’t. I know everything here is expensive.”

“Maybe you won’t even like it.” Scarlet changed the subject. She walked to the back, and

Neera trailed after her, inhaling the subtle scent of her gardenia perfume. It made her ache.

Had Scarlet really been with another woman? Was there more than one? What had she done? Was she just blowing off steam after Bryan? Experimenting and having fun? Was it more than that? What did she look like?

Jealousy stabbed at Neera in all the spots she really didn’t want it to. What was worse? Knowing Scarlet wasn’t a lesbian and was married, or finding out that she might indeed be and was now single? Either way, it was torture. Sheer. Torture.

No, the latter was definitely worse, because that included a heady and unfamiliar amount of temptation that Neera didn’t know how to deal with.

Scarlet went to the boxes that still needed to be unpacked and pulled out a gorgeous, gold, shimmery dress. Neera could tell that it would be more of the figure-hugging variety, and also that it would fit perfectly. There was no way she had anything that nice in her wardrobe.

“Oh,” she breathed. “Oh, my God, it’s gorgeous!”

Scarlet handed it over. “It’s yours. When I saw it online, I knew it would be perfect. I was hoping against hope it would get here on time.”

“I don’t know if I can accept this,” Neera protested.

“You can.” Scarlet grinned. “You definitely can. Sometimes all you need to feel pretty again and get your confidence back is a lovely dress. That’s part of the reason I own this place. So, so many people come here to buy clothes, and it’s so much more than the clothes themselves. They want an outfit for an interview, or a special occasion. Something just right and memorable. I’m glad that if I can give just a little bit of confidence or make someone feel gorgeous in their own skin, then I’m making the world a better place, I’m not just selling clothing.”

Neera took the dress from Scarlet and held it reverently in her hands. The fabric was light and smooth. She’d half expected something that sparkly to be a bit scratchy, but it wasn’t. It was perfect.

“I always thought you were just selling clothes,” she said jokingly.

Scarlet laughed. “Well, now you know. And you’re here, working, so you’re doing so much more than that too.”

Scarlet’s smile was radiant. Bryan was all but forgotten. Neera would have done anything to see Scarlet smile like that. Not just at her, but in general. If that meant wearing the dress to her mom’s party, then she’d dang well wear the dress. If it meant putting up with the constant ache in her chest whenever she was near Scarlet and pretending like she always had, that everything was fine, then she’d do it in a heartbeat.

She’d do it. Always. She just wished it wasn’t so damned hard.

Chapter 4


Elodie’s New Year’s party was something that they’d been doing together for the past eleven years. Eleven years ago, Scarlet was newly engaged. It happened on December tenth, which was also her birthday. Bryan killed two birds with one stone that night. Elodie was happy for Scarlet, but even back then, she’d warned her against marrying Bryan.

Tags: Alexa Woods Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025