Love Off Limits: A Lesbian Mother's Best Friend Romance - Page 10

“That’s okay. I imagine nursing is one of the least easy professions, even if no one dies. You still have to deal with people who are in pain or people who are sick. That’s tough. Elodie couldn’t believe you wanted to be a nurse. I was surprised too, but I could see it.”

“Yeah. You were the one who convinced her that I’d be okay. She was really freaking out when I was in grade twelve and told her that I didn’t want to do econ anymore. I can’t see myself as a business major now. That was a crazy thought. I love what I do. Really. Despite the hard parts.”

Scarlet’s eyes felt hot and a little shiny again and she found herself blinking fast. “That dress looks incredible on you,” she whispered against her better judgment.

Neera’s smile lit up the room. “Thank you. I would never have gone for something like this. You’re good at what you do. Actually, you’re amazing at it. I’ve seen women come into the store before when I’ve been there with Mom, and you make them go from doubtful about their bodies to loving every inch of themselves. You might not be a lifesaver for real, but body positivity is a lifesaver in other ways.”

Scarlet couldn’t hide her surprise and she didn’t even try and stop her smile. The warmth that spread through her was so much more than a simple compliment warranted.

“Are you actually a lesbian?” The question came out of nowhere, blindsiding Scarlet.

“Uh— I…”

“Never mind.” Neera waved her hand in the air, then did it again, trying to focus on it. “Oh, my God. I had four drinks, which was four times more than I normally have. I guess I should stick to a glass of wine and call it a night from now on. Then I wouldn’t be blurting out really terrible questions like that. I’m sorry.”

Scarlet just stood there, a tingle starting in her feet, spreading up her legs. She could feel her cheeks getting hot. If only she’d had more than one drink herself to blame it on.

“You should come back and join the party,” Neera said, trying again. “It’s almost midnight.” She fished at her backside for something then whipped around, confused. “Shit. I just remembered I’m not wearing pants. I have no idea where my phone is.” Her eyes, when they landed back on Scarlet, were dancing. “I really like your hair. Have I ever told you that? I like that you dye it that crazy almost white color.”

“You know that’s because I started to go gray when I was seventeen. Being in high school, that wasn’t cool. Platinum blonde, though? That was acceptable.”

“It looks good with your eyes. The green looks greener. I think. Maybe it’s the bob. I like that, by the way.”

Scarlet shrugged, trying to be casual when really, on the inside, she was in complete chaos. “Elodie calls it my divorce hair. I cut it off after. I thought it was time for a change. Bobs are popular right now. After I got it done, I regretted it. It’s kind of matronly.”

“No!” Neera’s eyes widened. “It’s not! You couldn’t look matronly if you tried. You’re the most beautiful woman I know. Any twenty-year-old would be jealous of you. You’re tall, slim, and yoga has done wonders for you.”

Scarlet nearly toppled over on her heels, and she wasn’t the drunk one. “I— well, thank you. That’s very kind.”

Neera’s eyes burned through her, strangely bright and intense. “It’s more than kind. Do you know how beautiful you are? Because I swear if Bryan ruined that for you, I’m going to find him and cut off his—”

“Ten, nine, eight…” The New Year’s countdown came out of nowhere. Scarlet froze. Neera grasped the table and took a step forward, teetering again.

There was a strange glow lighting Scarlet up from the inside out. Her body was doing so much more than tingling. Neera took another step, and another until she was right in front of Scarlet.

“Seven, six, five…”

When Neera looked up at Scarlet this time, Scarlet could swear there was something in her face that was close to desire. She shivered and had the strangest sensation. Neera had never looked at her that way before. She’d never seen Neera look at anyone like that.

She’s drunk. She’s not into you. Just very, very inebriated. That does things to the brain, you know. Silly things.

“Four, three…”

Neera reached out, her hands landing on Scarlet’s waist. Their gazes locked and Scarlet’s breath rushed out of her lungs like she’d just toppled from some great, impossible height.

“Two, one, Happy New Year!”

The chant went up through the house, echoing off the walls, filling up the place with cheers and raised yells of mirth, with glasses clinking and laughter roaring out.

“Happy New Year,” Neera whispered.

Her hands left Scarlet’s waist and cupped her face gently. Neera leaned in and before Scarlet could process what was happening, her lips were on hers. The contact was like an explosion between them. Scarlet whimpered and parted her lips. She was frozen, but Neera took over, wrapping her arm around Scarlet’s neck, pressing herself against her.

Neera was shorter by a few inches, but their heels evened out the difference. She was curvier, and when her breasts pressed into Scarlet’s chest, her brain short circuited. Scarlet tilted her face, giving Neera better access. She devoured her lips, kissing Scarlet until she couldn’t breathe. She pressed into her hard, and then her hips ground against Scarlet’s, setting off a spark shower behind her closed eyes.

Neera’s lips were perfect. They were plush and soft, scalding hot. She tasted like sweet soda and whisky. Neera’s tongue swept between Scarlet’s parted lips, touching hers almost tentatively. Where the heck had Neera learned to kiss like that?

Where did she learn to kiss like that? When she was away at school? Dating her age-appropriate girlfriend? Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. This was wrong. Stop. Stop. Stop. Now.

Tags: Alexa Woods Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025