Love Off Limits: A Lesbian Mother's Best Friend Romance - Page 47

“We’re not breaking up anytime soon,” Elodie said confidently. “We might have had our dips in the road and finding out that my daughter was in love with my best bestie was one of them, but we worked through it. She’s like a sister to me. She’s been there for me through everything. When we didn’t do our Sunday morning tradition, having coffee and talking about nothing, I missed it more than I can say. I missed everything during that time when I wasn’t talking to her. It made me realize just how much I need to have her in my life. So, no we won’t be needing a coverup. I’m proud to have her name inked onto me for life. Even if I covered it up, it would always still be there, just like she’ll always be.”

Nathan blinked. He might even have sniffled a little, but he covered it up with the sound of the gun and a rough throat clear. “That’s sweet,” he said. “That’s really sweet. It might be one of the best things I’ve heard. This is why I love my job.”

Neera brushed at her own eyes and Elodie blinked hard so that she didn’t have to move. She did flex her fingers against Neera’s, though, letting her know silently that she’d always be there for her too, no matter what.

“You could have got family written on there,” Neera pointed out. “We never thought of that.”

“Darn it,” Elodie laughed. “I guess that’s for next time. When you finally agree to join us.”

“You don’t have any yet?” Nathan asked.

Neera shook her head slowly. “No. I don’t. But maybe soon. Maybe one day. Family is so token a thing. I know that as an artist, you probably hate putting regular old, boring stuff on people. I told Scarlet once that I wanted a basic life. Meaning that I just wanted what everyone else takes for granted. The freedom to love who you want, no matter what. Now I have that. We’ve been through a lot, all of us, through all of our lives, but somehow, we still ended up here, together, healthy, happy, and living this amazing life that we’ve all made. I think that deserves a tattoo. You know. In a few months from now, or something.”

Nathan blinked hard again as he worked. “I don’t hate tattooing anything. If something means something to someone, I’m not going to tell them that they can’t get it because I don’t like it. I might not choose that for myself, but it’s not my body. I’d be proud to put my art on you, and on you again.”

Elodie smiled softly. “I’m glad we picked a good one. See? I told you this guy was amazing.”

“Glad to hear it. That’s very kind.”

“And humble too.”

Nathan grunted, but he was actually blushing. On someone with neon hair and more piercings than Neera could count, she found that utterly touching. “See? I told you that you’d settle in just fine.”

Elodie had. She sat through the tattoo without complaining, and when Nathan was finished and he smeared some kind of goo on the back and put a bandage on, she stood up, her eyes shining. “Thanks. That wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be. You’re right. I’ll be back soon. Whenever Neera agrees to it.”

“And then the sleeve?”

“I don’t know about that. Maybe. We’ll see.”

Nathan nodded. “I’m just going to clean up here and get set up again, then I’ll call your friend in.”

Neera walked back with Elodie to the reception area up front where Scarlet was sitting. The chairs were all chrome and black leather. Every inch of the walls was covered with artwork from the artists at the shop, and from others. There were even masks and skateboards and boots that had been painted. The coffee table between the chairs had portfolio books displaying the artist’s work. The music was louder up front, the metal pumping through hidden speakers.

Scarlet leaped out of her chair as soon as she saw them. She raced over to Elodie and looked her over like she’d just been through some harrowing experience. “You’re done? You survived?”

“I’m done,” Elodie confirmed. “And I survived. The first minute hurt, but after that, I basically couldn’t feel it. Nathan is nice. You’re going to do fine.”

Scarlet bit her lip and nodded. “It feels silly to say that I’m kind of scared.”

“It’s not silly at all. I just about wet myself when I went back there.”

Elodie hugged Scarlet and Scarlet hugged her back, careful of the fresh bandage sticking out from under her tank top.

“This might be the best Saturday I can remember,” Neera said softly, looking at her mom and Scarlet, who were both smiling at each other. “Especially because after this, we’re going for cheesecake, even though it means driving across the city. We have to celebrate and we’re doing it right.”

Elodie grinned slyly. “The cheesecake was what kept me going all this time.”

Scarlet rolled her eyes. “Mrs., I Want A Tattoo, I’m Not Going To Stop Begging Until I Get One And You Get One Too?”

“See? I was right. It looks awesome. He showed me in the mirror after he was done. I know it’s awesome. You’re going to love it. Maybe it’ll be you getting the sleeve.”

“What’s a sleeve?”

“A full arm tattoo,” Neera explained.

It only took a minute for them to all burst out laughing, filling up the reception area with the metal blasting, with the strains of their giggles.


Tags: Alexa Woods Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025