Her Reluctant Wife: A Lesbian Age Gap Romance - Page 71

emotions bottled up. She was so offended now that it couldn’t

have been true.

“No, I wasn’t with you for the money. Honestly, sometimes

I don’t know why. I don’t think we can fix this. It doesn’t

matter that you might be different now. It’s too much.

Everything is too much.”

Panic spread and ran rampant, cutting off Giana’s oxygen

supply, but she charged forward anyway. “Are you saying this

because you’re scared of what’s coming? Because of what’s

happening with your dad? You’re being too brave. You’re

barely holding yourself together, I can tell. You don’t have to.

You don’t have to be perfect for me. You don’t have to shut

me out and do it all on your own. I could come to the hospital

with you. Even if I just waited in the waiting room or the

hallway or something. I could be there with you.”

Coralyn stood up, displaying more life and energy than

she’d shown all morning. Her eyes were wide, tear-filled and

furious. She looked like she was in over her head. She looked

like she was drowning in it. Giana stood up too. Certain. Slow.

Unthreatening. She reached out for Coralyn, letting her hand

stay there in midair.

“Coralyn.” She said her name, her tone not so gentle this

time. Soothing, but not gentle. There was an iron command in

it that had Coralyn responding so sweetly, a change coming

over her. “Come here.”

She shook her head defiantly. “No. This huge black hole,

this void is going to swallow me up. I’ll be like you. I won’t

be able to remember who I am. I’m going to lose him and I’m

going to lose me. Life isn’t supposed to look like this. It’s not

supposed to be this way.”

Tags: Alexa Woods Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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