A Matter of Trust: A Carlsbad Village Lesbian Romance - Page 111

“Don’t stop! Don’t stop! Don’t stop!” she screamed just before her eyes shot open and her mouth froze open in a O shape. At first, no other sound escaped but then the dam burst. “Chloeeeeeeeee!” she keened, “I’m coming! Fuuuuuck, Chloeeeeee!” Even Chloë was certain her parents might hear Morgan all the way over in their house. “I fucking love you!”

And then Chloë was coming too. She fought hard to keep her rhythmic grinding going, wanting to absolutely coat Morgan’s pussy with the creamy essence streaming out of her convulsing core. Her screams of pleasure joined with Morgan’s until finally she collapsed on top of her girlfriend, Morgan’s arms encircling her back, their chests heaving against each other, their entire bodies quivering, both women letting their orgasms run their course, whimpers and soft moans now the only sounds coming from their lips.

“I love you, Miss Banks,” Chloë whispered when she could finally speak. “Christ almighty, I really do love you.”

Chapter 38

The following Saturday morning, Morgan was in her car, heading to Irvine.

It was time.

Today was her and Chloë’s six-week “anniversary” (the use of that word making Morgan cringe, not because she didn’t think being with Chloë for six weeks was worthy of celebrating, but because the word “anniversary,” etymologically, defined an occurrence which happened yearly and Morgan always cringed when she heard someone talk about, say, a “one month anniversary” or, even worse, a “one week anniversary.” But until society came up with a better word…). This morning, at Chloë’s tiny house, Chloë had surprised Morgan with a huge cupcake that she had secretly bought from their favorite bakery in town.

“Happy six-week anniversary!” she had squealed.

She had even placed a candle shaped like the numeral 6 on it and despite the misuse of the word “anniversary,” Morgan fell in love a little bit more with her.

Which was why she was driving to see her parents. It was time to tell them about Chloë, the person she’d been seeing for six weeks now and most importantly, the person she was in love with.

“Do you want me to come with you?” Chloë had asked last night when Morgan revealed her plans.

“You’re sweet, but no,” Morgan had said after considering it. “I don’t believe my folks will go batshit crazy or anything, but it will still come as a shock to them, I’m sure. No point in making it even more awkward by also having my teenaged girlfriend there.”

“Hey!” And Chloë had playfully booped Morgan’s nose. “So, while you’re gone, do you mind if I hang out with Sienna? I haven’t seen her in a while.”

Morgan had felt terrible then and took hold of Chloë’s hand.

“Love, you don’t have to ask my permission to see Sienna. I’m so sorry I made you feel like you do. I swear, I have no suspicions about you and her, okay?”

“Okay,” Chloë had answered, beaming her lovely smile.

Morgan had considered asking Chloë to tell Sienna to maybe not walk around in a bikini top this time, wanting her own boobs to be the only ones that much on display in front of Chloë, but refrained from doing so.

Morgan switched lanes to get around a coach bus and then her phone rang, the in-dash display telling her it was Naomi.

“Hi there!” Morgan greeted after pressing the Answer button on the steering wheel.

“Well, another one bites the dust,” Naomi responded.


“Ah, I see. I’m sorry. Should I be sorry?”

“You should not, darling,” Naomi insisted.

“What was wrong with this one?”

Other than being as dull as a tax seminar.

“She was just so dull!” Naomi replied, causing Morgan to laugh.

“Oh, thank god you said that! She just seemed totally wrong for you, sweetie, and I could not fathom what on earth you saw in her.”

“I know, I know,” Naomi said with a sigh. “But I thought I might like to do dull for a while. My typical brand of lesbian is like McDonald’s French fries; they taste really, really good but they’re so bad for you. But Deb was just dullness defined and I’m back to craving French fries. Anyway, don’t worry about me. Are you and Chloë married yet? And why wasn’t I invited to the wedding?”

“Shut up,” Morgan said, laughing. She told Naomi where she was heading and why.

“Ooh! The big reveal! Do me a favor…when you get there, put me on speakerphone.”

Tags: Sabrina Kane Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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