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Night Play (Dark-Hunter 5)

Page 17

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"Don't." That single word carried enough command to give Vane pause.

Ash looked over his shoulder to the old woman who was still standing in the opening of the curtains. "Liza, would you fetch Vane a cup of tea, please?"

"I don't drink tea."


"I'll be right back with it." The old woman went out into the shop.

"I don't drink tea," Vane reiterated.

"You'll drink hers and you'll like it."

Vane's gaze darkened again. "I'm not one of your Dark-Hunters, Acheron. I don't dance to your command."

"Neither do they. But that's neither here nor there, is it?" Ash cocked his head as if he were listening to something that only the Atlantean could hear.

"You're seeking answers."

"I don't need anything from a Dark-Hunter. Ever."

Ash let out a slow, deep breath. "I'm sorry about Anya, Vane, but it was meant to be."

Vane curled his lip at the offer of sympathy; his heart was still broken over her loss. "Don't talk to me about fate, Dark-Hunter. I've had it with that subject."

To his amazement, Ash agreed. "I know the feeling. But it doesn't change what's going on inside you, does it?"

He cut a glare at Ash. "What do you know about it?"

"Everything." Ash crossed his arms over his chest as he watched him with a gaze that set Vane on edge. "Life would be so easy if we had all the answers, wouldn't it? Will your pack come for you? Will Fang be normal again? Will Bride ever accept you as her mate?"

Vane went cold at his words. "How do you know about Bride?"

He didn't answer. "You know, humans are amazing in their capacity to love.

Don't sell either one of you short because you're afraid of what might happen. Instead, maybe you should focus on what will happen if you leave her."

That was easy for him to say. He wasn't the one being hunted. "What do you know about fear?"

"Enough to teach a lifetime course on it." Ash looked past him to see the infant standing up beside the demon on wobbly little legs that were still learning how to support the baby's weight. "She's beautiful, isn't she?"

Vane shrugged. He was far from an expert on what made a human child beautiful.

"Hard to believe that if Kyrian hadn't had faith in Amanda and in their future together, she would never have existed at all. No one would have heard the beauty of her little laugh or seen the preciousness of her smile Think about it, Vane. An accountant who only wanted a normal life and a Dark-Hunter who thought love was a fable. If Kyrian had walked away, he would still be living alone as a Dark-Hunter. And Amanda, had she managed to survive the Apollite and Daimon who were out to steal her powers, would probably be married to someone else by now."

"Would they have been happy?" Vane wasn't sure why he asked that question.

Ash shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not. But look at their baby. She's going to grow up the daughter of a sorceress and a Dark-Hunter. She will know things about this world that few people ever do. For that matter, she already does. Now imagine if she never existed. What would the world have lost without her?"

"What has it gained with her?"

Ash didn't hesitate to answer. "It has gained a truly beautiful soul who will grow up to help anyone who needs it. In a world full of malice, she will never do harm. And two souls who have never known love now have each other."

Vane scoffed at that. "Have you ever thought about writing romance novels, Ash?

That might wash in fiction, but let me tell you about the real world. That little girl will grow up, have her heart broken, and be used by people out to take advantage of her."

"And her parents will tear the heart out of anyone who tries it. Life is a gamble, Vane. It's harsh and painful most of the time, and it's not for the timid. Spoils go to the victor, not to the one who doesn't even show up for the battle."

"What are you saying?"

"I think you already know. Will Bride have a better life without you? Who's to say? Maybe there is some human out there who can appreciate her. But will he ever appreciate her as much as you do?"

No. Vane knew it deep in his heart. Her tender touch was priceless to him. "What if I get her killed?"

"Death is inevitable for humans. She will die someday. But the real question is, will she ever live?" Ash started away, then paused. "Will you?"

Vane stood there in silence as he thought over what Ash had said.

Liza returned with the tea and Vane thanked her before he tasted it.

Much to his dismay, Ash was right. It was good stuff and he did like it. Ash picked the baby up and turned back toward him. "You know, there's always the possibility that Bride might not accept you. Meet her as a man, Vane. Give her what your father never gave your mother. Let her see the man and the animal and then let her decide for herself."

"And if she leaves me?"

"Is that what you fear most?"

Vane looked away. Damn Ash for his sagacity. No, his worst fear was that she would accept him and that he wouldn't be able to keep her safe from his enemies. "All you can ever really do, Vane, is give it your all and trust that everything will work out."

"Do you really trust the Fates?"

Ash's answer surprised him. "Not at all. They make mistakes just like everyone else. But in the end, you have to believe in something." Ash cuddled the baby to his chest. "So what will you choose?"

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