A Long List of Firsts: A Carlsbad Village Lesbian Romance - Page 69

Rachel promised to help as much as she could around her showings and even Charlotte said she’d stop by on Tuesday to lend a hand.

She took a look at the clock—still unpacked—and sighed. They would need to leave soon to meet the others for volleyball. Considering how much work she had to do packing, Ainsley felt a little guilty for going to play but she knew she’d appreciate the stress relief playing the sport would provide her, on top of the stress relief Rachel had just given her with those two orgasms.

Besides, her friends now considered her to be officially responsible for bringing Rachel to their games and if she failed at doing that, she might not have any friends left.

But, good heavens, how she’d love to just remain in bed like this with Rachel all day. To hell with packing; to hell with volleyball; to hell with anything other than the two of them. And, Ainsley was considering, they wouldn’t even have to have sex again. If they just stayed in bed napping or reading to each other or watching TV or…anything, Ainsley would consider it a day well spent.

“Come on,” she said, patting Rachel’s hip, “we need to get ready to go.”

No sooner had she said this than the doorbell rang.

She frowned. She wasn’t expecting anybody nor was she expecting a delivery.

“Alexa, show me the front door,” she called out, looking at the display on the Echo Show on her nightstand. When the screen changed to show the video transmitted from her Ring doorbell camera, she said, “What the fuck?”

There were two men—delivery men by the looks of it—placing a variety of items on her porch, including the largest teddy bear Ainsley had ever seen. It was the size of an actual bear! There were also flowers and several packages that were gift-wrapped.


“Goddammit!” she muttered between her teeth, getting out of bed and tossing on the nearest clothes she could find—a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie—and then jamming her feet into her Skechers. Without a word to Rachel she stormed out of the bedroom and hurried to the front door.

“Excuse me,” she said after opening it. “What the hell is all this?”

To his credit, the tallest of the delivery men—who was still shorter than Ainsley—looked appropriately cowed by the tall blonde with flashing eyes confronting him.

“Um…” he started nervously, “…we work for GetItThere.com. Some lady used our app to schedule a pickup of this stuff to deliver it here.”

Ainsley crossed her arms.

“What’s her name?” she demanded. She already knew but she wanted to hear it. It would feed her anger that much more.

“Um…” the guy reached into his back pocket and pulled out his cellphone. After tapping the screen a couple of times, he said, “Casey Lang…uh…Languh…”

“Langostine,” Ainsley finished for him. “Take it back! Take all this shit back!”


Ainsley rolled her eyes. Men sure are fire and brimstone until facing a pissed off woman.

“See…we’re not supposed to do that,” the guy said. “We’re just supposed to fulfill the order and move on to the next one.”

Ainsley stared at him with the icy stare she gave OR nurses who didn’t hand her a surgical instrument quickly enough or orderlies who failed to do the simplest task for her.

The guy took a step back.

“Stay right there!” Ainsley ordered.

Her purse was just inside the front door on the entryway table. By now, Rachel had put on a robe and come to see what was going on.

“What’s happening?” she asked.

“In a minute,” Ainsley snapped.

After getting what she wanted out of her purse, she stepped back outside.

“This is a hundred dollars,” she said, holding out the bill to the guy. “You and your little buddy there can split it. All you have to do is take all this shit off my porch and drive away. Bring it back to Casey. Dump it in the harbor. Take it to fucking SeaWorld! I don’t care. Just get it out of here.”

The guy shrugged, took the proffered bill and he and his buddy got to work, starting with the insanely large teddy bear. Ainsley went back in her condo.

Tags: Sabrina Kane Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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