Falling for Jillian Ashley: A Carlsbad Village Lesbian Romance - Page 87

Amy giggled. But then she sucked her lips between her teeth and shyly met Sally’s eyes.

“I have a confession to make,” she began. “I kind of did go down on you as a sort of insurance policy. I wanted to!” she hurriedly added. “And I totally loved it. But I was also thinking it would—”

“—get me off your back?” Sally finished for her.

“Yeah. Sorry.”

“It’s okay.”

“It’s just that I have trouble shutting my mind off sometimes.”

“I’ve noticed,” Sally said.

“And when that happens, I just can’t stay in bed doing nothing.”

Sally nodded. She could see Amy’s point. It wasn’t ideal, admittedly. Sally always was the type who enjoyed waking up next to girlfriends, feeling the weight of another body next to her on the mattress, feeling the heat radiating off them onto her…Even if the woman was zonked out cold and snoring like a chainsaw, oblivious to the world around her, it was still companionship.

But wasn’t it still companionship if when she woke up, she found her girlfriend in another room, ready to say “good morning” to her and blow her a kiss? What’s more, Sally didn’t want Amy to feel constrained around her. Amy was bright, ambitious, creative and motivated, all of which Sally found super attractive. And, Amy had this really cool activist streak in her, which Sally found hot as fuck for some reason.

“It’s all good,” Sally said, running her thumb along Amy’s bottom lip.

“But I totally see your point too,” Amy said right away. “I’m, like, this weirdo girlfriend who hops out of bed at strange hours, like I can’t stand being next to you anymore.”

Sally laughed.

“So, that’s not how I see it,” she stated. “At least not anymore.”

“Wait, you saw it that way?” Amy asked, panic in her eyes.

“Well, maybe not quite that way,” Sally amended. “But I was kind of bothered by the fact that you can’t seem to switch off sometimes, even while on vacation.”

Amy nodded.

“I know,” she said ruefully.

“But you know what? You’re just being you and I could get used to it.”



“Because it’s not like I don’t want to stay in bed with you! It’s just that you’re sleeping and I’m wide awake and…” Amy sighed deeply. “There’s just so much I want to do!”

“Is this one of things you’d like to do?” Sally asked, sliding her hand into Amy’s shorts, over her shaved mound, until her fingers found those silky lips.

Amy gasped and her eyes rolled back in her head.

Sally bit her lip.

“Erotic dreams?” she asked when her fingers discovered just how incredibly wet Amy was.

Slack-jawed, Amy nodded and started rocking her pelvis against Sally’s hand.

“I was horny when I came out here after eating you out—Oh, fuck!”

Sally had just slipped two fingers inside and now Amy’s swollen clit was also being swiped gently with her thumb.

“Oh, fuck, Sally…”

Tags: Sabrina Kane Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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