Night Play (Dark-Hunter 5) - Page 56

As Vane and Fury walked past, the dogs, sensing their animal part, came out to either bark or play.

Paul led them to a cage at the end of the row where an angry Lab mix was kept. The dog was filled with rage and hatred.

"We can't do anything with him," Paul said. "My partner thinks we ought to put him down, but I hate to do that. It seems a damn shame to kill an animal who's been hurt."

Fury set his beer down and went to the door. The dog ran out of his house, barking and snarling.

"Shh," Fury said, holding his hand out to the dog so that he could sniff him.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Patrick said. "He damn near tore the hand off the animal control officer who captured him."

"Yeah, someone needs to put them in a cage and poke them for a while,"

Fury said, curling his lip.

The dog continued to attack.

"Stand back," Vane said as he reached for the latch on the door.

Fury stood up and moved while Vane opened it. The dog lunged, then darted back. Vane shut the door and crouched down. "Come here, boy," he said soothingly, holding his hand out.

The dog ran into his house and barked even louder.

Vane crawled toward the house and slowly reached his hand inside. "Don't be afraid," he said, letting the dog catch his scent.

He could feel it starting to calm. It knew he wasn't entirely human and it was starting to trust the animal that it smelled.

After a few seconds of waiting, the dog licked Vane's fingertips.

"That's it," Vane said, stroking his fur.

He looked back over his shoulder. "Fury? Could you get me something for him to eat?"

"I'll get a bowl," Paul said.

Once Paul returned, he gave the bowl to Fury who brought it inside. Fury crouched outside the house beside Vane and carefully put the food down in front of the dog.

"Man, they screwed you up bad, huh?" Fury said to the dog.

Vane picked up a handful of food and held it out to the dog. It nosed around until it finally trusted him enough and took a bite.

"There you go," he said quietly as he picked up more food and hand-fed the dog. "Damn, Dad," Patrick said from the other side of the fence. "I've never seen anything like that."

After a few minutes, Vane had the dog fed. He crawled into Vane's lap and lay there, needing comfort. Fury stroked his back while Vane massaged his ears. Vane felt someone watching him. Looking over his shoulder, he saw Bride beside her father.

"Did you get him to eat?" she asked him.


She smiled at that. The sight of her there made his heart ache. How could something so simple as a mere smile wreak such havoc with his body?

"I came to tell everyone that dinner was ready. But if you need more time"

Vane stood up. "He'll be okay for a bit."

Fury patted the dog, then rose slowly to his feet.

The two of them left the cage and shut it. The dog came running up to them, howling.

"It's okay," Vane told him. "We'll be back."

"Yeah," Fury added, "with a nice treat for you."

Vane draped his arm over Bride's shoulders as they followed her brother and father into the house. "Is this where you grew up?" he asked Bride.

"No. My parents moved here a few years ago after they sold their small farm."

"I miss the old place," Paul said as he held the door open for them. "There are too many ordinances here. I had to get a special license just so I could keep my patients in the back, and I routinely have to pay fines."

"Why did you move?" Fury asked.

Paul shrugged. "Her mother wanted to be closer to town. What's a man to do when his wife has her heart set on something?"

They entered the dining room where a huge feast waited along with Deirdre, who still looked like she'd rather they leave.

"Come over here and sit by me, Vane," Joyce said, indicating the chair on her right. "And Fury, you can sit on the other side of Bride."

The instant Fury sat down, Titus came running up and tried to climb into his lap. "Oh, good grief!" Joyce snapped. "Paul, get the dog down."

"It's okay," Fury said, laughing.

Then when Vane sat down, Titus ran for him and licked his face. "Hey boy, watch the dewclaws."

"What has gotten into my dog?" Joyce asked, pulling at Titus's collar. "He's normally standoffish with people."

"Dogs know good people when they see them," Paul said, pulling a piece of stuffing out of the turkey.

"Titus," he said, holding it down for the dog.

Titus ran to get it.

Bride sat down beside Vane. "So Patrick, where's Maggie?"

"Over at her parents'. I'm going over there after I eat here. Since we're sleeping here, she wanted to make sure her mother didn't get jealous."

"Maggie is Patrick's wife," Joyce explained to Vane. "She's going to make me a grandmother in the springtime."

"Congratulations," Vane said to Patrick.

"Yeah, we'll see. I'm scared as hell. Personally, I don't think I'm ready to be someone's parent."

"Yeah," Bride said with a laugh. "You might have to share your toys."

Patrick grimaced at her before he launched a pea over the table at her head.

Vane caught it before it made contact, then zipped it right back at Patrick. It hit him straight between the eyes. Bride howled with laughter.

"Children!" Joyce snapped. "You behave or I'll make you eat in the corner."

"Nice reflexes, bud," Patrick said, wiping his brow good-naturedly. "I think we should recruit you for the team."

"I don't think so, Pat," Bride said. "I somehow think Vane would balk at wearing a shirt that says 'Snip It and Clip It If You Love It' on his back. He's kind of sensitive about dog neutering."

Vane arched a brow at that, but wisely kept his mouth shut.

Her father laughed hard. "I can appreciate his point of view. Not many men want to play for the Castrators. But we have a lot of female vets who strangely do."

"Ah, we'll work on him," Patrick said. "With those reflexes, we could definitely use him."

Vane noticed the look of sadness on Deirdre's face, but she didn't say anything as she sat there and put her napkin in her lap.

Bride's father said the blessing and then stood up to carve the turkey while her mother began passing the side dishes.

Vane held the bowls while Bride served both him and herself.

"Is there anything you don't like?" Bride asked him.

"Not really."

She smiled at that. "You're so easy."

He impulsively kissed her cheek, until he realized that her family was staring at them. "I'm sorry," he said, afraid he'd done something wrong.

"Don't be," Joyce said. "I'm just glad to see my baby smiling for once."

Vane passed the mashed potatoes across Bride to Fury, who stared at them with a fierce frown. "What are these?" he asked.

"Potatoes," Vane told him.

"What did they do to them?"

"Just eat them, Fury," Vane said. "You'll like them, trust me."

Tags: Sherrilyn Kenyon Dark-Hunter Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024