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Night Play (Dark-Hunter 5)

Page 62

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"Excuse me?" Fury asked.

Ash ignored him. "Alastor is free of you, and for fear of my retribution, he won't enter into any new agreements with you."

"What about my retribution?" Bryani shrieked as she rattled the bars of her cage. "Where is my justice?"

Ash stood up and sighed wearily. "I'll tell you what. How about this for a bargain? You return to your time period and make sure Dare remains where he is, and I'll give you the one thing you want most in life."

Bryani cocked her head as she contemplated the Atlantean. "You swear it?"

"Yes, I do."

She made a gesture from her heart to her lips. "It's a deal. Now let me out of this cage so that I can enact my revenge."

Ash shook his head. "I'm not going to let you kill your sons, Bryani."

"But you said"

"Your fondest wish has nothing to do with them. I'm sending you home now, and I promise you, by nightfall you'll be a happy woman."

Bryani vanished out of the cage.

"What are you going to do to her?" Fury asked.

Ash folded his arms over his chest as he turned around to face them. "What's the one thing your father has always publicly said he'd give anything for?"

Vane's jaw went slack. "To have his mate back. But that was only a lie he told so that the pack would feel sorry for him."

"Well," Ash drawled. "You should be careful what you wish for. You just might get it."

Vane whistled low. "Remind me to never piss you off."

"You're not really going to put the two of them together, are you?" Bride asked.

Ash shrugged. "They were fated to be together and it's time that they dealt with each other. Whatever happens between them though is their business."

"What do I owe you for this favor?" Vane asked.

"It's gratis. When you helped Talon out, you paid a higher price than anyone should ever have to. Consider this a wedding present from me and Simi.

Neither your mother nor your father will ever again threaten you or your children."

"Are you predicting the future, Acheron?" Nicolette asked.

"Not exactly. I'm not telling them what will happen. Only what won't."

"Thanks, Ash," Vane said.

"Since you're in a giving mood," Fury said from the doorway, "want to tell me who my mate is?"

Ash gave him a roguish half-smile. "It's up to you to find her."

"Yeah, but"

"Hang it up, wolf," Colt said, clapping him on the back. "The great Acheron isn't going to answer that."

"Ah man, this is going to drive me crazy. You know I've met thousands of women in my lifetime, right?"

"Yes," Ash said, "but you haven't slept with them all."

Fury looked like he was in pain.

Vane came forward and pulled Bride into his arms. "Thank you," he said, hugging her close. "When Kyle told me my mother was up here with you"

She wrapped her arms around his neck and let the love she felt for him wash over her. "I wasn't about to let her hurt you."

Ash shooed everyone out of the room so that they could kiss in private.

After a few minutes, Vane flashed them from Carson's office, back to Sanctuary.

Stefan was sitting up in a chair, looking a bit dazed and still bleeding.

The poor wolf. But he would live.

Someone started playing "Sweet Home Alabama."

"You're too late," Colt shouted. "We already know Ash is here."

"So," Ash said, strolling over to Vane and Bride. "Who are you going to support to take over your pack?"

"Not my concern. I was exiled."

"Yeah, but since Markus will be gone in about, oh, an hour, they'll need someone to lead them."

Vane looked at Stefan, who had wanted the pack for years. Unfortunately, the wolf was an idiot, hence his attempted pact with Vane's mother.

His gaze went to Fury and Cujo.

"Fury?" Vane called out. "How do you feel about leading a pack of wolves?"

A sly smile spread over his face. "I'd love to."

"Bullshit," Stefan snarled as he tried to rise to his feet. He was still too weak. "He's not strong enough to hold the pack."

Vane looked at his brother, then Stefan. "Yes he is. Because I know my brother is going to relocate the pack back here to New Orleans."

"I'll never stand for it," Stefan snarled.

"You can't stand at all, dickhead," Fury retorted.

Vane ignored Fury's outburst. "Yes you will. If you don't, you and I are going to go the distance." Vane withdrew his spell and let his markings show on his face.

Stefan turned even paler.

"Any questions?"

Stefan turned to Fury and shook his head. "Do you want me to start the move back?"

Fury's grin turned wicked. "I would say yes, but you look like the only thing you can start is bleeding. I'll take care of the pack. Carson, want to help Stefan upstairs before he collapses?"

Carson nodded, then flashed out of the room with Stefan.

Fury came forward. "Thanks, Vane."

"No problem. You've earned it and you definitely deserve it more than any of the others."

Bride couldn't have been prouder of Vane than she was at that moment.


Bride turned at the happy cry from a voice she recognized.

Ash's friend Simi came through the door with a beaming smile. Her long black hair was plaited on each side of her face and she had a shiny pair of red horns on her head. She wore a short black PVC skirt with purple and black striped thigh-high leggings that vanished into a pair of scuffed combat boots. She had on a fishnet shirt and a tight red bodice.

Bride noticed that several members of the bear clan had strained looks on their faces.

"Okay, Vane," she asked quietly. "What is Simi? Animal, vegetable, or mineral?"

"Other," he said with a laugh. "She's a demon. Literally."

"Someone count the cubs," Dev shouted.

"Oh pooh," Simi said to him. "I'm not going to eat no furry food while you gots the good stuff." She opened up the large black tote bag she carried and pulled out an extra large bottle of barbecue sauce.

Simi bobbed her way through the crowd until she saw Bride. She shrieked in happiness. "You play here now too, Bridie? You got any of those great sparklies with you?"

"No, Simi. They're in my shop."

The girl pouted, then turned to Ash. "Akri? Can we go visit Bridie's shop again?"

"Sure, Simi. But not today. Bride's here and not there."

"Oh. Okay. Can the Simi buy everything she wants?"

"Of course."

Simi grinned widely, then jumped up and down like a small child. "Okay, everybody dance! You, too, akri."

Suddenly, the Macarena started to play. Everyone in the bar groaned, except Simi, who laughed happily. She grabbed Ash's hand and pulled him to the dance floor.

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