Seize the Night (Dark-Hunter 6) - Page 55

Artemis let her breath out slowly as she watched him in fear that Apollymi might have actually worsened his condition just for spite. The demon cuddled him to its bosom while it stroked his long black hair away from his face.

His chest rose and fell normally.

"Sim?" he breathed as he looked up at the demon with a tender expression that made Artemis hate him.

"Sh, akri, you needs to rest for the Simi."

He raked his hand through his hair until he noticed Artemis standing in front of him. All the tenderness fled his expression. "What are you doing..."

His voice trailed off as if he suddenly became aware of something.

He vanished instantly, leaving her and the demon alone in the graveyard.

Folding her arms over her chest, Artemis huffed at his rudeness. "A thank-you would have been nice, Acheron!"

But she knew he didn't hear her. He had a remarkable ability to tune her out.

Her only consolation was the demon looked every bit as baffled until its eyes widened and it flashed to the form of a human female with horns.

"They gots baby Marissa!" the demon breathed before it too vanished.

Tabitha lunged at the Daimon, who laughed as he stepped to the side and brought his fist down across her back. Pain exploded down her spine.

Valerius roared with rage before he shot a bolt at the Daimon.

It missed.

The Daimon laughed again. "Let's see if the Roman general dies crying for his human love the same way the Greek did."

Tabitha couldn't breathe as she heard those words. Kyrian wasn't dead. He wasn't.

"You liar!" she snarled.

She turned to watch Valerius fight the Daimon as more of them came running from the stairs. They swarmed into the room like angry ants.

Two of them grabbed her. Tabitha slugged them, but her blows seemed to glance off them without fazing them at all.

Valerius broke free from his opponent to hand her one of his swords.

She took it from him before she turned to face three Daimons. She stabbed the one nearest her, but he didn't explode.

He smiled at her instead. "You don't kill the servants of the goddess, human. The Illuminati aren't typical Daimons."

She swallowed her panic before it defeated her. "Valerius? What goddess are they talking about?"

"There's only one goddess, you pathetic fool. And it's not Artemis," the Illuminati said an instant before sinking his teeth into her neck.

Tabitha cried out from pain.

Suddenly, she was thrown away from them. She looked to see Valerius engaging the Daimons.

"Don't you touch her."

The Daimon tsked at him. "Don't worry, Dark-Hunter, before she dies, we'll all sample her blood. Just as we did her sister."

Tabitha screamed as pain racked her. "Damn you!"

Another Daimon seized her from behind. "Of course we're damned. The Spathi wouldn't have it any other way." He backhanded her, knocking her off her feet.

Tabitha tasted the blood on her lips, but she wasn't daunted. She wasn't about to let them get away with this.

As she stumbled away from the Daimon toward her sword that had skidded to the foot of the stairs, she glanced upstairs and froze. Horror consumed her.

Kyrian lay at the top of staircase, his body on the landing while his head rested on a step, his right arm fully extended. A bloodied Greek sword had fallen halfway down the stairs. His sightless eyes were open and a small trail of blood ran from his lips. But it was the gaping wound in his chest that held her transfixed.

They had killed him.

A few feet away from his body, two bare, feminine legs peeked out from under the hem of a pink nightgown in the doorway of the nursery.

And then she saw Ulric stepping over Amanda's body with a crying Marissa in his arms as he started for the stairs.

"Daddy!" the toddler wailed as she fought against the tight hold the Daimon had on her to reach her father. Pictures flew from the wall into Ulric, who paid them no heed.

"Daddy, Mama, get up." Marissa pulled the Daimon's hair and bit at him. "Get up!"

"Amanda! Amanda! Amanda!" Tabitha didn't know who at first was calling her sister's name as terror filled her. It wasn't until she couldn't scream anymore that she realized the hysterical shrieks were hers.

Grabbing her sword, she ran up the stairs for the Daimon. He knocked her back. She slipped on Kyrian's blood and went tumbling back down.

Valerius caught her from behind before she fell the whole way.

"Run, Tabitha," he breathed in her ear.

"I can't. That's my niece and I'll be damned if he's going to get her without a fight."

She pushed herself away from Valerius as a phantom wind whipped through the room. It tore through the house with a vengeance, hurtling lamps, plants, and anything small around.

And as it touched the Daimons, they fell one by one with nothing more than a gasp.

Clutching Marissa to him, Desiderius, who was still in Ulric's body, ran past her and Valerius into the living room.

Tabitha followed, intending to reclaim her niece.

"Desi!" he cried as his son fell and then vanished into nothingness. "Desi!"

"It hurts, doesn't it?"

Tabitha turned to face the voice she knew so well.

It was Acheron.

He walked slowly through the shattered doorway as if nothing odd had happened.

Marissa stopped crying the instant she saw him. "Akri, akri!" she called, reaching out for him.

"What the hell are you?" Desiderius asked.

Ash held his hand out and Marissa was torn free from Desiderius's arms. She floated across the room to Ash, who cuddled her close to his chest.

"I'm her godfather, with a heavy emphasis on the god part." Ash placed a kiss on Marissa's head.

"Rissa want her mommy and daddy, akri," Marissa said as she locked her tiny arms around Ash's neck and squeezed him tight. "Make them get up."

"Don't worry, ma komatia" Ash said soothingly. "Everything's fine now."

Shrieking, Desiderius lunged at them and rebounded off what appeared to be an invisible wall.

Valerius stood beside Tabitha as Acheron approached them.

Ash held his hand out and Kyrian's sword flew into his grip. He handed it to Tabitha. "Have at it, Tabby. Desiderius is all yours."

"Stryker!" Desiderius called as he pulled out what appeared to be an ancient amulet. "Open the portal."

"There is no portal," Ash said with a sneer. "Not for you, asshole."

For the first time since the whole horrendous night had started, Tabitha smiled. "Eat steel, you sorry bastard!"

She ran at him.

Valerius went to help her. In her current mood, she wasn't thinking straight and he wasn't about to see her hurt. She'd been hurt enough.

While Tabitha attacked the Daimon, Acheron paused on the stairs beside Kyrian's body.

"Close your eyes, Marissa, and make a wish for your daddy to hold you."

She clenched her eyes shut. "Daddy, hold me."

Valerius paused as Kyrian took a deep breath and blinked his eyes. The Greek looked as dazed as Valerius felt while he helped Tabitha fight the Daimon.

Ash handed Kyrian his daughter, who squealed in happiness that her father was alive. Then the Atlantean continued up the stairs.

Valerius didn't have time to contemplate the total bizarreness of that as Desiderius lunged for Tabitha.

He pulled the Daimon back. "Forget it," he snarled.

Desiderius fought his hold.

Yelling in triumph, Tabitha plunged her sword through Desiderius's heart. Valerius jumped back an instant before the blade went through the body and would have stabbed him as well.

Tabitha pulled it out and smiled until the wound on Desiderius healed.

He laughed. "I'm a Dark-Hunter, bitch. You can't-"

His words were silenced as Valerius delivered the one blow that would kill a Dark-Hunter.

He severed the Daimon's head from his shoulders.

Tags: Sherrilyn Kenyon Dark-Hunter Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024