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Devil May Cry (Dark-Hunter 11)

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He cocked a brow at her question as if he couldn't believe her offer, before he put his shirt back on. But that look was quickly replaced with one that was hard and bitter. "Send me back to my place and stay out of my way."

Kat shook her head. How could she have forgotten the fact that he was a prehistoric macho god? "This is where I should probably remind you of a certain Greek blood hound who has your name and calling card. Remember him? Deimon isn't exactly into making friends or showing mercy. But one thing he has to do is listen to me."

"And why is that?"

She gave him an amused grin. "Because I once kicked his butt so well that he remembers it to this day." She approached him with a determined stride. "You need someone at your back."

His look was cold and frightening. "No offense, but the last time I was dumb enough to let someone stand there, they stabbed me in it. I like to think I learn from my lessons."

"Not everyone is treacherous."

"My experience says otherwise, and given your genetic link to someone who did me seriously wrong, I think you'll forgive me if I don't put you on the list of trusted friends."

He was right about that, but she was nothing like her mother. "I'm my father's daughter, too."

"Yeah, and by your own admission you've had a lot less contact with him than with your mother. So I think you'll understand if I side with caution on this one."

She couldn't blame him for his suspicion. How could she when she didn't trust her mother, either?

His look sharpened. "I need to get out of here, Kat. I can't do my job while I'm stuck in a nether realm".

"And I can't let you out of here until I know what your plans are."

He let out a disgusted breath. "To stop the annihilation of mankind and the earth. It's a simple plan really, but an important one. Can I go now?"

Part of her was amused, but the other part wanted to choke him for his obstinacy and secrecy. "Why do you need the Tablet of Destiny?"

He closed the distance between them so that he could stare down at her with those golden eyes snapping fire at her. "Let me out of here, Katra. Now."

"I can't."

"Then I hope you can live with the death of humanity on your conscience." He indicated her sofa with his thumb. "I just sit myself over here until it's over. You got any good DVDs I can watch? It'll help drown out the screams for mercy. Especially from the kids. Those are always the hardest to ignore."

His words cut her on the most fundamental level of her humanity. The last thing she could stand was the thought of a child suffering. He was hitting below the belt and it hurt. "Damn you."

His features turned to stone. "You're too late. Your mother already did that."

Kat looked away as she struggled with what she should do. She couldn't keep him if what he said was true, but then how long could he last with Demon on his tail? He didn't have his god powers and Demon was a fierce SOB.

"Do you understand what you're up against?"

He gave her a duh-stare. "If something as pathetic as a Greek Dolophonos can take me down in a fight, I deserve to die."

"What will happen to mankind then?"

"Guess they're screwed, huh?"

How could he be so cocky and lackadaisical? He knew what he was up against. Did he really think he could win without someone fighting beside him?

She couldn't stand the thought of him going down in a fight without someone else there who knew how to combat the gallu. Mankind needed more than a single defender. "Teach me to fight the Dimme."

Sin couldn't have been more stunned had she stripped her clothes off and jumped him. "Sorry? I know I didn't hear what I think I did."

She didn't back down. "Teach me to fight them and the gallu."

He laughed at the mere thought of her going up against them and their cruelty. Yes, she was tall and not too thin, but she was no match for the strength of the gallu, never mind the Dimme. They'd eat her alive. Literally. "You don't have any Sumerian blood in you."

"There are ways to get around that."

He took a step back from her as one of them flashed in his mind. "Does bloodsucking run in your family?"

"No, but if we take a blood bond, I would have your strength and Sumerian blood."

That wasn't all it would give her, and he knew it. "And it would give you power over me. So screw you."

She took a step toward him, her green eyes pleading. "Sin..."

"Katra..." he mocked. "I will not allow you or anyone else to deplete me any more than what's already been done. Ever."

"Then let me train by your side. Show me-"

"All my best moves so that you can kill me?" What? Was she insane? "Fuck you."

She growled at him, "Do you not trust anyone?"

"Did we not already cover this? Hell no. Never. Why should I?"

"Because no one can stand alone all the time."

Sin scoffed. She actually looked like she believed the crap she was spewing, but he was anything but green and gullible. "And there you're wrong. I've been alone my whole life and I like it that way."

Still she wouldn't relent. She pursued him even across the room as he sought to put space between them. "Trust me, Sin. I only want to help."

"You want me to trust you?" He stopped so suddenly that she actually ran into him. The softness of her body made him flinch, but he wasn't about to let his libido interfere with his logic. He set her back on her feet, away from him, and gave her a hard stare. He knew one way to put a stop to her bullshit. "Fine. I'll trust you on one condition only. Tell me how to kill you."

Her eyes widened in confusion. "Excuse me?"

Sin smiled, knowing he had her now. She'd never give him the source of her powers. "All gods have a secret that can render them powerless and subject them to execution. What's yours?"

Now he saw the suspicion in her eyes. Good, she wasn't a trusting fool. "How do I know you won't kill me?"

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