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Devil May Cry (Dark-Hunter 11)

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And they were a complication. Everything about them. Because of a man, her grandmother was imprisoned for eternity. Her mother was forever tied to her father even though she wanted to let him go. Not even Cassandra was free anymore. Wulf meant everything to her and he had become her life. Her friend Geary had given up her life's quest so that she could stay with Arik...

Don't be silly, Kat. It's only sex... it doesn't have to be a life-time commitment.

If only she were sure about that. Would being with him change her?

Then again, how could it? Simi hadn't changed. She was still the same exact demon she'd always been.

Kat felt him lifting the hem of her shirt. She had to decide before he went any further.

Yes or no.

In the end, it was her curiosity that won out. She wanted to know what it was like to be with a man, and no other one had ever attracted her like this. If a woman had to lose her virginity, who better than a fertility god to give it to? If there was one thing any of them knew, it was how to please a woman.

And Kat was anything but a coward.

Taking a deep breath, she removed their clothes with her thoughts.

Sin sucked his breath in sharply between his teeth as he felt her naked flesh on his. There was nothing between them now. Nothing. They were skin to skin. It took a full second for that to register in his mind.

He looked down in awe of her bared beauty. Her breasts were perfect and pale. Her nipples were pink and taut, begging him to taste them. He dipped his head down to draw the tip of one into his mouth.

Kat groaned at the foreign tickle that made her stomach contract wildly in response to his gentle licks. The sight of him nuzzling her breast warmed her through and through. Groaning, she ran her hand down his spine and over the scars that marred his darker skin. She laid her cheek against the top of his head as her heart pounded. She and her family had taken so much from him that it only seemed right she should give him what she'd never given to another.

But more than that, she wanted to know him like this. To feel the strength of him surrounding her, filling her. She wanted to share her body with his.

He pulled back from her breast to blow a stinging breath across it before he kissed her again. Mmmm, he was divinity and she couldn't wait to experience more.

Then he slowly lowered them to the floor.

Kat ached at the pleasure of him lying on top of her. It really was scrumptious. He slid his hot mouth slowly down her body, licking and teasing every part of her. She shivered every time his tongue touched her skin and it made her nerve endings dance.

Sin smiled at the little twitches and murmurs she made with every caress he gave her. She was exquisite and he wanted to know every inch of her body.

Her fingers and palms danced over his skin, but when she took him into her hand it was all he could do not to immediately come. He hadn't been with a woman who knew what he was in centuries. Then again, since the death of his wife he hadn't had any woman who'd known even the most basic thing about him. All of his lovers had been one-night stands. Fleeting faces that came and went only when he couldn't bear celibacy any longer.

Unlike the others, Kat would still be here when they were finished. She wasn't going to walk out and never return. It made her special and it made him want to make sure that she had the best time possible in his bed.

When she left his side, she'd never be able to say he'd been lacking in any way. Kissing her, he slid his hand over her thigh to the short curls between her legs.

Kat gasped as Sin slid his fingers between her legs to touch the most private part of her. Fire shot through her as his fingers stroked her tender folds and found the part of her that came alive at his touch. And when he sank one long finger inside her, she moaned out loud.

Sin froze as he felt the impossible. It couldn't be... His jaw dropping, he pulled back to stare up at Kat. "You're a virgin?"


That confused him even more. "How?"

She lifted her chin, and when she spoke her tone was heavy with sarcasm. "I've never been with a man before."

He rolled his eyes. "I know how you're a virgin, my question is how did you manage to stay one?"

"I told you, they keep watch on me."

Yeah, but for eleven thousand years? Damn. That was extreme. "They're not watching you now."

She traced the line of his eyebrow while a smile twitched at the edges of her lips. "No. Only you're watching me."

Sin still didn't understand it. "Why would you wait all these centuries and then throw it away on a whim? You barely even know me."

Her expression had to be the tenderest one any woman had ever given him, and it made him melt. "I know you, Sin. I've been inside you... and I want you inside me. Is that so hard to understand?"

Part of Sin wanted to curse her and the tender feelings she stirred inside him. He wanted to tell her she was nothing and that he didn't need anything from her.

The other part of him wanted only to hold her. To crawl into her arms and have her soothe him even more than she already had.

In the end, it was his anger he listened to. He couldn't afford to open himself up to her or anyone else. He' d been hurt enough in his life. The last thing he wanted was to bring any more ??pain into his life. He was through being used and through being manipulated. "This won't give you any hold over me."

"l don't expect it to."

"Then what are you hoping for by sleeping with me?"

"Nothing, Sin." Her gaze was so sincere and guileless it actually sent a wave of guilt through him that he'd been so suspicious of her. "Nothing more than a few moments of pleasure. I don't want anything else from you. Promise." She made a small x over her heart.

He shook his head. It couldn't be this simple. It couldn't. "l find that hard to believe. Nothing comes free in this world. Ever."

"Then get up and get dressed." She looked to the right.

"There's the door. I'm sure you know how to use it. It's a really simple process. You put one foot in front of the other, turn the knob, and keep going."

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