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O Line (The New York Nighthawks 3)

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“Maybe some tea?” Now that the nausea had passed, my stomach felt as though it was eating itself from the inside out. “And some crackers or toast?”

“Sure thing, baby.” He brushed his lips against mine and pressed a kiss to my belly before striding out of the room to do as I had asked.

It wasn’t until I was by myself that the enormity of what the positive test result meant hit me. Staring down at my stomach, I murmured, “I only have nine months to get ready for you, little one. And I have a feeling that means my engagement is going to be short. I bet he’ll be having me march down that aisle in no time at all. It’s a good thing that I’m excited to marry your daddy. And at least I won’t have to worry about all the alterations I’d need to fit into the kind of wedding gown Marleigh is sure to pick for me. Once you make your presence known, I’m going to need a whole new wardrobe, and your auntie Marleigh is going to be over the moon to help me shop for it.”

When Jordan came back into the room, he had two mugs and a plate with toast and three kinds of crackers. After setting everything on the bedside table closest to me, he tugged me into a sitting position and stacked all the pillows behind me. “There, that’s better.”

“Thanks, superstar daddy.”

Jerking his chin toward the mugs, he explained, “Since I’m not sure if you can have the black tea that you like, I brought two kinds of herbal. Peppermint and ginger. I looked it up online, and they’re supposed to help with the nausea.”

“You’re adorable.” I reached for the cup with the ginger tag hanging from the rim. “This is perfect, thanks.”

“You’re welcome, baby.”

Rounding the bed, he climbed onto the other side and cuddled up next to me, his arm over my shoulders. His lips curved into a pleased grin when I nibbled on a few of the crackers.

“Don’t look so happy with yourself,” I grumbled.

His brows drew together. “What’s wrong?”

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy about the baby. But the timing will be awkward since I just accepted the Adore Her campaign. Now I’m going to have to back out because the timeline is all wrong for when the shoot will be.” My hand slid down to my stomach. “I’ll be showing by then, and there wouldn’t be any way for the photographer to hide my baby belly while I’m modeling lingerie.”

“Shit, Wrenley.” He pulled me closer against his side. “I’m thrilled as fuck that my swimmers scored the ultimate touchdown, but I’m sorry that the timing is going to mess things up for you. I truly meant it when I said that you had my support. I want all of your dreams to come true and hate that I might have inadvertently set back your career.”

“Maybe I’m worrying for nothing. It might not be that bad.” My tone wasn’t convincing since I was worried about how the phone call would go. “And there’s no time like the present to find out, I guess.”

Jordan held my hand while I called my agent, offering me his silent encouragement. When she picked up after only two ringtones, I stammered, “Oh, um, hello, Amanda.”

“Hey, Wrenley. How’s your morning going so far?”

“Erm, that’s why I’m calling. I just got big news.”

I told her about the pregnancy, and she warmly congratulated us before sighing.

“Oh, dear. Yes, the timing is a problem when it comes to the Adore Me campaign,” she agreed. “I’ll make some calls and let you know if the schedule can be altered or if the contract will need to go to another model.”

“Thanks,” I whispered.

“Even if you lose the campaign, there will be other big breaks for you. I have no doubt about that,” she assured me. “Relax and enjoy the pregnancy. Focus on growing that baby in your belly and let me worry about your career, okay?”

“I’ll try.”

I set my phone on my lap and cuddled against Jordan’s side, determined to do as she suggested and bask in the glow of our happy news.

“How about this?” He shifted our positions so I was staring up at his face. “If it comes down to it, I’ll fund a new line for Marleigh, and you can model everything for her. However much she needs to make a big splash, including a runway show, it’s hers as long as you’re happy.”

His offer was generous and so sweet. But I still couldn’t help messing with him a little. Maybe being pregnant brought the sassiness out in me. “Even if it’s a lingerie line?”

A muscle jumped in his jaw as he nodded. “Even then.”

“Don’t worry.” I patted his chest. “Marleigh’s dream line is all about high fashion for girls with curves. She’d take you up on that offer in a heartbeat, and there wouldn’t be a single piece of lingerie involved except for what I wore under her designs.”

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